no angel

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Ana sits quietly on her bed folding the stack of freshly washed powder blue onesies that her baby boy would soon be wearing. Smiling to herself for the first time in a long time as she admires all the baby clothes sitting folded neatly on her bed, she actually felt an emotion she hadn't felt in awhile.


She was looking forward to becoming a mother and hoped that would bring her the willpower she needed to keep going. Because, right now she was about ready to give up on life itself.

Her smile fades as she hears the basement door open and slam shut. Ana sighs and continues folding the baby clothes. Lately every time Adonis came down to "check" on her it either ended in a screaming match or him putting his hands on her. She hoped each time he came down things would be different but knew Adonis wasn't going to change.

Slowly but surely she was beginning to realize he always got what he wanted so her fire inside to fight back was beginning to dwindle. She could no longer just focus on herself at the moment, she had to relax and deal with him at least until after she gave birth.

Adonis waltz deeper into the basement where Ana was sitting and takes a seat on the edge of the bed. He exhaled the smoke from his cigarette as he locks his dark brown eyes on to her. Sitting silently he watches her every move like a hawk, Ana knew he was ready for a fight. Either verbal or psychical. She was mentally preparing herself for whatever it was he was about to start with her.

"Rayn got you everything he gone need?" Adonis ask breaking the silence between them.

"Yeah." Ana responds dryly.

Not being able to go out and pick out things personally for her child was eating away at her inside. She was only allowed to make list for Rayn who got everything Ana wanted plus the other hundred things Rayn wants baby boy to have.

"You quiet. What, you don't want me down here talking to you?" He ask.

"I don't mind you coming to talk to me Adonis. I just don't wanna fight."

"We wouldn't fight if you did what I asked and kept them smartass remarks you always got to yourself. When you gone realize I'm not the nigga to play with baby? You knew that before your coma and it didn't take as long for me to teach you this lesson before."

Ana bites into her bottom lip trying to keep from saying something that would end with her getting a punch to the face.

"I don't know, maybe it's because I'm not 19 anymore. But, I'm learning." She whispers.

"Good. The sooner you start acting like my wife again and give up on all this tryna get away shit the sooner things can go back to normal."

What was normal for them though?

"That's all I want." Ana responds deciding to give in and play his little game so she could finally get what she wanted from him.

Adonis raises his eyebrow as he takes the last hit of his cigarette. He puts it out and focuses back on Ana, a small smirk playing on his lips.

"Oh yeah? You ready to be a good girl?"

Ana cringes inside but successfully hides it on the outside. She nods slowly and crawls over to where he was sitting. Although she was almost 7 months pregnant her belly was still fairly small giving her the room she needed to straddle his lap. She locks her fingers behind his neck and looks into his eyes.

For the first time since she had woken up from her coma she really takes the time to look at him. She didn't see anger deep inside those eyes, but instead saw lust, love and sadness all wrapped into one.

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