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"Why am I still down here Adonis? I thought you were going to change?" Ana questions as she watches Adonis mount the tv in the basement for her.

"Listen, I got some shit I gotta get straight and then we can be how we were before Anastassia. Right now, you need to relax and focus on carrying our baby aight?"

Ana sighs and plops back in the bed. Things between the two of them had gotten a little better since she came back home almost two months ago now. Adonis had been keeping his promise not to put his hands on her but she wasn't going to let her guard down as easily as she did last time.

"What do you need to get straight Don? What is going on? You've been leaving early in the morning and coming home late in the evening. Leaving me here with Rayn and Hood. Why are you keeping me in the dark."

Adonis sighs and clenches his jaw as he screws the last screw into the tv mount. He turns to face Ana and sits down on the bed next to her. Adonis had wanted to keep Ana in the dark about what was going on since he didn't want her stressed but now might be the time to tell her.

"If I tell you, promise me you won't start stressing and shit cause everything is gone be straight."

Ana nods and sits up looking into his dark eyes.

"Promise me Anastassia."

"I promise."

"Aight so, a couple weeks ago I got arrested for your "murder" now I'm on trial for that shit."

Ana gasp and furrows her brows. She was confused on how he got arrested for her murder and she wasn't dead. Or was she?

"How? Why didn't you just tell them that I'm alive and home with you?"

"Because." He pauses and looks down at his hands that were folded in his lap. "I want us to be together forever without any outside noise and interruptions. I felt it would be best if everyone thought you were dead."

Ana's eyes burn hot with tears and she begins to cry. Adonis gives her the room she needed to let it out before he continued.

"We can be together without everyone thinking I'm dead Adonis! Are you crazy?" Ana shouts.

"A little bit yeah." He mumbles.

"Adonis... I just really don't understand what's going through your mind sometimes. Why go through all of this? What if you get convicted then what?!"

"Stop yelling." Adonis grits getting fed up with her screaming and crying. "I won't get convicted Ana."

"How do you know that for sure? You're a black man they don't need evidence to put you away!"

Adonis looks over at Ana who still had tears running down her face. He reaches up and wipes away a few tears before speaking again.

"I got a good lawyer. I can beat this shit I'm not worried about that, I just wanna know you support me and you gonna stand behind me with this decision I made."

"Why would you make a decision like that without at least asking me first? This is so crazy." She speaks as she begins to calm down. "Too crazy." She whispers to herself.

"Ana, tell me. Tell me you'll stand by me and trust what I'm doing is what's best for us."

Ana shakes her head and looks away.

"I can't tell you that right now because I don't think this is what's best. It's too risky you're doing all of this to keep me to yourself and you might end up losing me and your freedom in the process! It's fucking crazy!!"

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