time apart

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*this chapter is kinda long.

Los Angeles, California.

Three months later

Ana takes a seat on the balcony with her sister and lets out a long sigh.

"I didn't know looking for a job would be so hard." Ana mumbles.

"You're rushing it. Mom has plenty of money I don't know why you're in such a rush to work anyway." Aaliyah chimes in.

"It's hard to explain, but I need my own money. I can't keep depending on people to take care of me."

"I get it. Go ahead miss independent." Aaliyah laughs as she pours up two glasses of champagne.

"You just drink to drink huh?"

"I sure do, and since you can't have any I'll drink both of these myself."

Ana shakes her head and rubs her small growing belly. Not long after arriving in LA, Ana discovered she was pregnant. In the beginning she was overcome with a whirlwind of emotions, she had never been the type to want children. And, considering her current situation it just wasn't the right time for a child to be brought into the world.
After many long talks with her mother and sister she decided it be best to keep her child. Children are a blessing and she felt this child was coming into her life to help keep her from slipping into a depression that was coming the moment she left Seattle.

"Do you have any intention on ever reaching out to Adonis and telling him you're having a baby?"

"I don't know. I wish we could just not be together and he let it fly so we could co-parent but I know him... if he finds me and finds out I'm having his child he's not going to let me be."

"I told you a long time ago that man was crazy. I'm just glad you got out when you did."

Ana nods agreeing with her sister. She felt that if she had never gone into her coma she would've never found the strength to get away from Adonis and his abusive ways.

"well let's go get ready for dinner, I know you're hungry." Aaliyah speaks.

Ana nods and follows behind her sister back into the home she now shared with her mother.

Seattle, Washington.

Adonis blows the smoke from his lips and puts out the cigarette he had been smoking before walking back into the living room where Hood and his cousin East were seated.

"Find anything?" He questions.

"Nothing, since she ditched her phone at the airport." Hood responds.

Adonis shakes his head becoming more irritable and irrational with each day that passed. Ana not being in his presence made him a mad man.

"You checked her moms crib in LA?"

"Been checking three times a day everyday. Our boys out there say there's no movement at the house, her mom must have moved."

"Well fucking find them! All them fucking people I pay in LA and ain't nobody seen my wife?! If I come down there ima light that whole city on fire." Adonis shouts.

"Calm down man. We gone find her ain't too many places she can go without somebody seeing her, everybody know that's yo wife." East speaks.

"Yeah bro, Ana the only one who don't remember that. She gone be spotted sooner or later."

Adonis sighs roughly and sits down on the couch. He knew what he was saying was true but he wasn't tryna hear it right now. All he could think about was having to go another night without sleeping next to the woman he loved. Although he treated her horribly he did love her in his own crazy way.

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