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Looking down at the spread of food on the dining room table Ana smiles widely pleased with herself. After meeting with Mariah she decides it be best that she bring her concerns up to Adonis.

She knew the conversation would either go really good or really bad. She made sure to make them a nice dinner to try and butter him up a little before speaking. Ana sees the time and hurries into the bedroom to change into something cute but comfortble before Adonis arrived home.

After changing clothes Ana hears the front door open and close.

"Anastassia... where you at?"

She could tell by the tone of his voice he was already irritable, making her more nervous about their impending conversation.

"I'm in the bedroom." Ana responds.

Listening closely to his footsteps trail down the long hall and before she knows it his tall frame enters their bedroom. Ana smiles up at him while Adonis gives her a small smile in return.

"What you got going on in here? Lights down low, dinner on the table..." Adonis ask leaning against the door frame.

"I just thought we could have a nice dinner date at home."

Adonis stands in silence for a minute before nodding slowly.

"Ima shower. Keep the food hot for me." He responds before pecking her lips and heading into the bathroom.

Ana nods and furrows her brows noticing the blood splatter on his jeans and shirt. Fifteen minutes later Adonis enters the dining room and takes a seat at the table. He grabs his fork and begins to eat ignoring Ana's existence. Ana bites into her bottom lip and looks over at him as he continues to eat.

"What Ana?" Adonis ask not taking his eyes off his meal.

"I was hoping we could talk... but it seems like you're not really in the mood."

"What you tryna talk about?" Adonis chuckles finally looking up at her.

"The other night... you know I had a bad dream or whatever. Well the part I left out of telling you was that you were in it."

"Oh word? Tell me what I was doing in this dream."

Ana sits up straight and clears her throat. His eyes were turning dark his demeanor becoming more intimidating by the second. She had no intention of backing down though.

Not knowing the truth was driving her insane.

"You were chasing me through the house... this house actually, yelling and screaming and hitting me."

"Oh yeah? So what you scared of me now?" Adonis laughs while sitting back in his seat.

"I didn't say that."

"So what the fuck you questioning me about that dumbass dream for?"

"Because it felt so real... I wake up the next morning and the same door is cracked just like it was in my dream. And you tryna tell me none of it is real?" Ana responds.

Adonis sucks his teeth and waves Ana off before picking his fork back up. A few minutes tick by and silence fills the room as Ana sits watching Adonis eat.

"You know what I think?" Adonis finally speaks as he finishes off his meal. "I think you walked in the house, saw the cracked door had a bad dream and now you tryna piece it together to make it more than what it is. I haven't put my hands on you Ana. Keep on though, I just might." He responds coldly.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard what the fuck I said. Stop questioning me about putting my hands on you, tryna make me look guilty or some shit for you ending up in the hospital. If I would've put you in the hospital you would still be there."

"You talking to me like that and expect me to believe you've never put your hands on me? Alright." Ana chuckles

"I don't give a fuck what you believe. Stop questioning me Ana."

"Or what?"

"Or ima give yo ass what the fuck you asking for. I ain't in the mood for this tonight Anastassia." He grits.

"I don't care what you're in the mood for Adonis! I wanna know the truth." Ana speaks raising her voice.

Adonis looks up at her with narrow eyes. Slowly he stands and makes his way over to her side of the table. Leaning down he comes face to face with her before speaking again.

"Yell again... I dare you." Adonis speaks sinisterly.

"You're not going to intimidate me Adonis. Tell me the truth." Ana says with a shaky voice.

Adonis grips her up by her curls and stands her to her feet.

"I am telling you the truth. I'm the only person who is telling you the truth right now Anastassia."

"No.... I don't think you are." Ana responds softly.

Adonis grips her curls tighter and brings her face closer to his.

"Want me to do to you what I did in that dream? Or you wanna live in our fantasy world just a little while longer baby?" Adonis whispers into her ear.

Ana's eyes widen and she tries to wiggle free from his hold causing Adonis to grip tighter.

"Answer. Which one you want? Pick one or I'll pick for you." 

Ana remains silent not sure what to say. Her mind is racing and survival mode kicks in. She raises her foot and knees him in his manhood. Adonis groans in pain and releases her curls as he grips himself. Quickly Ana races down the hall and into the bedroom, slamming and locking the door behind her. She can hear Adonis making his way toward the door and she begins to look for an exit. The only way out was the window that sat in the corner of the bedroom.

"OPEN THE DOOR!" Adonis shouts as he beats on the door.

Ana ignores him and tries to open the window but it won't budge. Looking down she sees it's been nailed shut at the base.

"What the fuck?" Ana whispers to herself as tears fill her eyes.

Adonis continues to beat on the door. Banging his shoulder against the door until the lock breaks and the door finally swings open. Before Ana can turn and head toward the bathroom Adonis has her in his grip again. Adonis sends a harsh slap across her face and then another before blood fills her mouth from the impact.

"I guess we going back to reality." Adonis mumbles as he throws her in the middle of the bed.

He hovers over her and Ana screams for help hoping one of the neighbors would hear her.

"They can't hear you baby. And even if they could nobody is gonna snitch on me." Adonis says as he holds her legs down and begins to fiddle with the strings on his sweats.

"Get off!" Ana screams as she comes to the realization of what was about to happen.

Adonis punches her in the face ceasing her screams. Ana brings her hands up to her face to help stop the blood pouring out of her mouth again. Adonis takes advantage of this time and rips her leggings and underwear off her body.

Pinning her legs to the bed he slips inside of her as she cries and begs for him to stop.

I didn't know how to end this chapter.

But there we have it, the real Adonis.

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