I Found You

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A/N: This is for Jayden because she likes Teacher!Cake and I love her xx


Don't get him wrong. Calum loved being a teacher. He loved his job and his students.

But he could definitely do with not having to be at school later than he should on a Friday. All of the screaming and the music was giving him a headache, but he couldn't do anything about it. It was his choice to be a primary school teacher, and now he was stuck with screaming kids. Oh joy.

However, there was one thing that made this whole ordeal bearable - er, rather, one person.

Mr. Hemmings wasn't new, per se, but he had been teaching at this school for quite less time than Calum had, so he was still pretty new to all the traditions. And tonight, as if by some fated miracle, he was also chosen to organise the dance. Calum hadn't been sure whether to laugh or to cry when he found that out, but on hindsight, he was rather glad he did neither. That would've been awkward.

Sighing softly, Calum smiled at one of his students passing him by. Currently, he was standing in the school playground, pretending to watch over the kids. "Pretending" being the key term: he was really just staring at Luke - um, Mr. Hemmings - from across the playground. Honestly, they had their parents, they didn't need him to watch over them.

Calum was mentally willing the blond to gravitate towards him, but sadly that wasn't working out quite as well as he had hoped. Instead, he seemed fairly content in his corner, chatting with parents about his students, probably.

So, with a sigh, Calum turned away from the tall blond teacher, trying to distract himself by talking to parents as well, even though he really didn't want to do anything other than stare at Mr. Hemmings.


It was when Calum had least expected it that he got to finally talk to the blond.

Calum had been standing by the refreshments table in the decorated gym, chatting with little Ellen's mother about her fantastic spelling skills, minding his own business when Mr. Hemmings slid up to him. He had butted in to the conversation awkwardly, albeit politely, and listened quietly until the woman finally walked away.

Calum turned to him, raising his eyebrows as he sipped at his drink of apple juice that one of his students had given him (well, he had to set the example, and he wasn't going to refuse the offer).

Mr. Hemmings just smiled widely, rocking back and forth a little on his heels. "Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Eh," Calum shrugged. "Honestly, I'd rather be doing something else on a Friday night, but you gotta do what you gotta do..."

The blond teacher nodded, trying to find something to say. He desperately wanted to continue the conversation, and so did Calum, but neither of them quite knew what to say.

"The kids like the haunted hallway thing," the taller one finally said, gesturing to one of the doors at the back of the room. "It was a really good idea."

"Thanks," Calum nodded, smiling at him. 

Mr. Hemmings peeked at Calum's drink before laughing. "Apple juice, really Calum?"

Calum gasped mockingly. "You can't call me by my name!"

The other teacher laughed, his nose scrunching up cutely and Calum had to bite back any comments about how adorable he was. "No one's here to hear us!"

"Well, I suppose that's true, Lucas," Calum answered, emphasising the name with a cheeky grin. He knew how much Mr. Hemmings didn't like being called by his full name, so he called him that every chance he got.

"Again with the Lucas!" he groaned, shaking his head, the fond smile still playing on his lips. 

"I like the name," Calum stated. "So I'm going to call you Lucas from now on."

"You already do," Luke mused, and the brunet had to laugh in agreement.

"That is true."

They talked for a little longer, but Calum wasn't really paying attention to that. Instead, he was paying attention to the way the blond not only used his words, but his hands and his expressions when he spoke. Calum was just so enthralled by the other, and he was too busy staring at him in admiration to notice the way Luke stared right back with the same look of affection when it was his turn to talk.

They must've been talking for a good twenty minutes when someone in the center of the room started clapping to get everyone's attention. It was the principal announcing the start of the games, and the first one just so happened to be Hide and Seek. The teachers didn't have to, but were encouraged to participate in the games, and Calum suddenly got an idea. He didn't know if it was going to work, and it might end up backfiring terribly on him, but he figured that it was worth a shot.

So, when the designated group of kids started counting, Calum grabbed the teacher beside him by the wrist, pulling him out of one of the doors at the back of the room and heading down a hallway.

"Where are we going?" Luke asked, but Calum only grinned in reply. They made a right turn at the end of the hallway and kept walking until they arrived to the room Calum was looking for: the janitor's closet.

That was when Calum turned around to explain to Luke part of his thinking. "We could hide here. They're never going to find us!"

Surprisingly, Luke didn't disagree. Instead, the blond nodded, and the two of them stepped into the small closet, turning on the light and closing the door behind them. They barely had room to turn around, stuck between the mop buckets and the towels, but Calum didn't mind - and he sure hoped Luke didn't, either.

They stood in silence for a moment before Luke burst out laughing. Calum gave him a slightly alarmed look, and he just kept laughing.

"You alright there?" Calum asked warily, eyeing the blond and starting to wonder if this was actually a good idea.

"Oh yeah, I'm great," Luke nodded. "I just- This is really awkward and cliche."

"Cliche?" Calum asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "How so?"

"You know how in every high school movie, there's always some couple that runs off to the janitor's closet to make out, or something, during the dance," Luke pointed out, his cheeks tinting red a little.

Calum just smirked at the faint blush on the blond's cheeks. He was determined to see just how red he could make his cheeks go. "Oh yeah? Are you suggesting that we are that couple?"

Bingo. Luke's cheeks were progressively getting pinker by the second. "I- Uh-"

Calum stepped the slightest bit closer to him, their chests practically pressed against one anothers. "You know, I wouldn't really mind the whole making out bit," he shrugged nonchalantly, eyes flickering down to Luke's lips.

"Um-" Luke mumbled, and almost squeaked when Calum slipped his hands around his waist.

"What do you say, hmm?" Calum asked, his eyes trailing back up from the other's lips to his blue eyes, a small smile on his face.

"I- I think-" Luke stuttered, his face completely red as he tentatively wrapped his arms around Calum's shoulders.

Calum just smiled, leaning in towards the blushing teacher. "So?"

Luke nodded, and was about to lean in as well when suddenly the door to the closet was thrown open, light shining upon the two of them. Calum's reflexes kicked in very quickly and he let go of Luke, taking a step back.

The kids at the door laughed, and Calum let out a sigh of relief when he noticed that they were lacking an adult - be it parent or teacher.

"You found us!" Luke exclaimed, giving the children a fake scowl. They all laughed joyously, before pulling their two teachers out of the closet.

"Come help us find the others!" a little boy exclaimed, and Calum looked over at Luke.

"We'll continue that another time, yeah?" Calum asked, his eyebrows raised with a hopeful look on his face.

Luke nodded, taking Calum's hand quickly and squeezing it before letting it go. "Yeah, definitely."

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