Another Me

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a/n: for some reason this one is one of my faves ever - also, you guys might get a bunch of notifs because I'm gonna be moving a bunch of oneshots into this book!

Taking a deep breath, I stepped up onto the tiny stage in the cafe. I had just been hired to perform there every Wednesday night, and tonight was my first night. I was petrified, but I knew that once I had played a song or two, the nerves would ease up.

I took a seat on the wooden stool, plugging in my brown acoustic-electric guitar before clearing my throat. "Hey guys, I'm Luke, I'll be playing a few songs for you tonight."

No one was paying me much attention, but I didn't mind. All the better for me, actually. Less people paying attention meant less chances of people noticing my little fuck-ups.

The first song I played was a cover of one of my favourite songs, Hold On by Good Charlotte. I lost myself in the music, starting to reminisce the days I used to listen to this on repeat. I started thinking about my teenage years, about the grief, and then my mind wandered to the place it would inevitably go to. Well, more like a person it would inevitably go to.

As the song came to its end, few people clapped, and I decided to make a quick change to my setlist.

"Thank you," I mumbled, before quietly adding on, "This next one is an original."

I started playing the intro, swaying a little bit. I wasn't too fond of the acoustic version, it didn't have as much of an impact as the recorded version did, but hey. I was pretty fond of the lyrics, and if I did say so myself, they were pretty kickass.

Remember when I sang that song to you, and you called it out of tune?

"Hey Cal, come check out this new song I wrote."


My boyfriend trailed into the room I was sitting in, before taking a seat on the bed opposite me. I gave him a smile before beginning to strum my guitar softly. I slowly started singing along with my strums, reciting the lyrics I had spent hours upon hours writing. "Life's a tangled web, of cell phone calls and hashtag I-don't-knows..."

Calum's expression seemed pretty neutral throughout the whole song, which worried me slightly. Usually, I could read him pretty well. Usually.

"We put the world away, yeah we're so disconnected," I sang the last words slowly, a grin creeping onto my face. I felt like this song could really go places.

Well, I thought so, until Calum opened his mouth. "I like the lyrics and all but... It's kinda... You were kinda out of tune. It's a bit tuneless."

I frowned. "Yeah but babe, it's missing the whole groove of the bass and the awesome guitar bits, it's only just the start..."

To my dismay, he just shrugged, getting up and leaving the room. "Yeah, I don't know if that's going to help it. Good luck mate."

With a huff, I stormed out of the bedroom and into my studio, where I spent the rest of my night. He never came back to check on how I was doing or say goodnight. I never ended up producing that song.

With a shake of the head, I snapped myself out of the flashback. I was up on stage, dammit! I couldn't allow myself to think about Calum right now, even if I did write this song about him...

Remember when I bought you flowers and you left them out to die?

Tulips. I distinctly remembers buying them because their vibrant colours reminded me of Calum's personality.

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