I Call Shotgun [R]

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a/n: this has been in my drafts for literally a year... Also I've never smoked so this is probably inaccurate (livin that straight edge life lol)

When people found out that Luke and Calum were roommates, it surprised them. Everyone on campus knew who Calum was, as he went out of his way to socialise with everyone. There was no way you couldn't know him. He was at the school on a football scholarship, or something like that. Some kind of sport that involved a ball. Luke didn't really know much about sports.

Luke was completely different from Calum. He was soft spoken and quiet, an art student majoring in comic book art. He wasn't much compared to his social butterfly and athlete of a roommate, but neither of them seemed to mind. Calum would say hi to the blond when he passed him on campus, they'd have lunch together occasionally, and he'd stay in on the nights Luke didn't have plans and watch movies together on one of their laptops. A friendship somehow found a way to bloom through their differences.

Tonight, Calum was out, thinking that Luke had plans with Michael, but unfortunately his purple haired friend ditched him to go hopelessly flirt with some green haired musician chick whom he had the most obvious crush on. So there Luke was, alone in their dorm and craving a smoke. He would've just gone for it, blocking up the slit under the door to stop it from seeping out, but he couldn't do that to Calum. It would jeopardise his place at the uni, and as much as Luke was craving the high, he couldn't do that to Calum.

As the night went on, however, he grew more and more desperate. He didn't smoke very often, really, but some nights he just wanted it. So, when Calum stepped through the door, slightly buzzed, Luke decided he'd take a dive. He waited for Calum to change into his oversized t-shirt and boxers (and didn't pass up taking a peek or two), and settle down before bringing it up.

"Hey, Cal?" Luke asked, sitting on the edge of his bed.

Calum hummed, looking up from his phone and over at the blond, who had a sheepish look on his face.

Luke wasn't sure where to start. "Um, so the thing is... Mikey cancelled on me last minute and-"

"Why didn't you text me?!" Cal frowned, throwing one of his many pillows at Luke before chuckling. "I would've come back or come get you, or something!"

Luke's heart fluttered a little at that, but he hid his flustered expression by playing with his snapback, taking it off and ruffling his hair. "Oh, I didn't want to bother you..."

"That's dumb, Luke," Calum rolled his eyes playfully, putting his phone down before swinging his legs off the side of the bed and sitting on the edge as well, and looked intently at Luke. "You know you never bother me."

Luke turned away, trying to hide his blush from the brunet. He gnawed at his lip ring, before sighing. "Um, so this is probably gonna sound bad and you have every right to yell at me for it..." he started, before looking up at Calum who just raised his eyebrows and nodded for him to continue. "I know you're really into school, and obviously don't want to risk your spot on the football team, but..."

"What is it, Luke?"

"Would you mind if I smoked in our room?" he rushed out, looking up at Calum through his lashes. "I mean it's totally fine if-"

To Luke's biggest surprise, the other boy only laughed, shaking his head. "Nah, I don't care... On one condition."

"What is it?"

Calum got off his bed, and in two quick strides, he was sitting on Luke's bed beside the blond. His hand came up on the other side of Luke's face to touch his cheek gently as he leaned to whisper in his ear, "I'm fine with it, as long as I can shotgun some smoke from that pretty little mouth of yours."

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