Vending Machine Blues [R]

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a/n: this used to be up on my AO3 but I'm shifting it over to here bc I'm trying to keep my AO3 works PG-13. For those of you who haven't read this before, enjoy!

Calum Hood was many things. Forgetful, talkative, a little loud at times, sociable... Hell, the list could go on. But one thing he wasn't, was blind.

He saw the way the hot blond guy at the back of his Psychology lecture watched him. Saw the way he would divert his bright blue eyes the minute Calum tried to capture them within his own gaze. Saw the way he would scurry out of the room as soon as the professor dismissed them.

Calum had asked around, found out his name was Luke Hemmings, and that he was from Sydney. Quite a while away from Adelaide. Calum didn't understand how Luke could want to be away from his family, and figured that maybe one day, he'd be able to ask him in person.

But for now, his main concern was to get Luke to actually communicate with him. They lived in the same building, for god's sake, and they had never exchanged a single word. Mainly because of the blond's apparent shyness, but also because Calum really didn't know what to say to him. "Hey, you're hot. Let's fuck."? No, he didn't see that going down quite well.

And so, he remained in this constant loop of pining after the shy kid, and wondering whether he really was as sociable and confident as he believed.


When Calum said he wanted an opportunity to talk to Luke, he really didn't mean something like this.

All Calum had wanted was a simple midnight snack. He wasn't so keen on stumbling upon the guy that was running through his mind, asleep in front of the vending machine while Calum was only dressed in his pyjama pants and tatty Green Day shirt he had gotten when he was 12.

But unfortunately, that was what had happened.

Luke was curled up with his head on one of the pillows from the lounge couches, dead smack in front of the vending machine. His long legs were pulled up against his chest and he had one arm under his head, as if the pillow wasn't enough. He was wearing skin tight black jeans and a slightly oversized stripey sweater, and Calum couldn't help but sigh out loud. He was actually kind of adorable.

But Calum was conflicted. What was he going to do? Get his snack and leave Luke to himself? There was probably a reason he wasn't sleeping in his dorm, and when Calum crouched down to wake him up, he didn't smell any alcohol. Which was always a good thing.

"Yo, dude," Calum whispered, trying to gently shake the boy awake. He would've smacked himself for using that as a conversation opener if it wasn't for the fact that Luke seemed to be stirring.

A few shakes later he was rolling over onto his back, yawning and stretching, uncurling his body. He blinked open his eyes slowly, wincing a bit at the bright lights of the lounge, before focusing them on Calum.

"Oh my god," was the first thing Luke said, before scrambling up into a sitting position. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to be in the way."

"It's alright, man!" Calum smiled, trying to act cool and to reassure the blond. "I was just making sure you were alright."

Luke groaned, running a hand through his neat quiff. "Yeah, I'm okay. I just can't sleep in my dorm because my fucking room mate has his girlfriend over, so... You can imagine what's going down in there. And it's warm down here, and I didn't really expect anyone to be up at this time..."

Calum nodded. "That makes sense," he answered, before shrugging and gesturing down the hall. "Well, my roommate is out for the week, so if you want a proper place to crash, I've got a bed available."

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