merry christmas you filthy animal

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"Calum, hiring a random person off the internet to be your date for a day is honestly the easiest way to get a stalker, you know that right?"

I rolled my eyes at Michael's comment as I continued to scroll through Craigslist. "Look, I don't have much of a choice right now."

"You could take me," he pointed out, and I didn't even need to face him to know he was wearing a smirk.

"Mikey, my family knows you. They've known you since you were 8. That's not going to work."

"You never told them you were bringing a surprise date," he muttered, falling onto the couch beside me, and peered over at the screen.

That's when I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "I told them I was bringing someone I'm supposedly dating."

"You could be dating me!" Michael pointed out. "You know they still think we were dating back in high school."

I scrunched up my nose, going back to my scrolling. "I'm not bringing you."

"All these people are boring. Look, click that dude."

Sighing, I complied, knowing Michael would keep bugging me if I didn't listen.

"I'm a sophomore in college. I'm a pretty chill guy! I really like meeting new people!" Michael read out, before groaning. "No. Boring. Next?"

I kept scrolling, Michael picking out the ones he wanted me to open and read them all in different voices, adding his own input to each bio.

"I'm Sally! I love Christmas! I'll wear matching sweaters with you! I'm probably too excited about Christmas and will make you to wear matching sweaters!"

"Alex. I can be whatever you want me to be, with a winky emoticon. Um, no."

"I'm Luke. College student, pretty shy. I'm the sweet, sensitive type that will make you seem like the best boyfriend ever... Pick him."

I frowned at Michael. "What? You're agreeing with this now?"

"I just think it'll be bloody hilarious." He grinned at me.

I reached over to my right, picked up a couch pillow, and threw it at his face in response.

I did, however, send Luke an email, along with a few others, and decided to call it a night. I really wasn't looking forward to this Christmas party at all.


The next morning, I had a couple unread emails in my inbox. One from a girl named Anna, and one from that Luke guy. I opened Anna's first.

Hi Calum,
I'd really like to help, but unfortunately I'm already booked for that night. I hope you find someone!
Happy holidays,

I groaned, proceeding to open Luke's.

Hey Calum,
I'm free that night, if you're still looking for somebody. Should we meet up a little before the party to discuss basic things we should figure out before people ask questions?
Hope to hear back soon,

I shrugged, and began to type out a reply. I didn't have many options at this point, and anyways, it didn't really matter. I just needed someone or the other.

Hey Luke,
Yup, I'm still looking. Meeting up beforehand makes sense. Why don't you text me and we can continue the conversation there? My number is 203-578-0919.

I then put my phone down, got out of bed and went about my daily routine, thankful that Michael was still sleeping so he wouldn't pester me about this whole date situation.

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