We've Got Chemistry... Or Is It Physics?

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Prompt: i have your old textbook and you left your number in it AU

"This is what you get, Cal," Calum muttered to himself, stirring his cup of coffee. "You wanted to take Chemistry in university. So now you get to spend your Friday night studying. That's what you get."

Needless to say, Calum was incredibly bitter tonight. He had a huge exam coming up and couldn't afford to blow it. So he was stuck inside while all his friends went partying. His roomate Ashton had even made it a game to rub it in his face how he would be out, having fun and 'getting some' while Calum would be stuck in their dorm, his brain swimming in the elements.

With a sigh, he sat back down at his desk, flipping open his old textbook. It was practically falling apart, since he got it second-hand at the bookstore near the campus, but hey. As long as it still had all the content, that's all Calum needed.

As he flipped through the pages to get to the one he needed, something caught his eye. Tucked inside the the fold of the pages was a scrap of paper, obviously ripped out from some other notebook. Calum pulled it out curiously, turning it over to reveal a name and a phone number.

"Luke, hunh?" he read, raising an eyebrow. With a smirk, he grabbed his phone that had been sitting on his desk neglected. He tapped in the number carefully in the New Text Message screen before pausing. Was he really going to do this?

"Ah, fuck it," he muttered, remembering Ashton's taunts. He needed some fun, even though it's not exactly what he had in mind.

unknown (Calum): r u made of Fluorine, Iodine, and Neon? 'cuz u are F-I-Ne

Luke: uh, what?? who is this??

unknown: is this Luke?

Luke: um yeah, Mikey?

unknown: youre hotter than a bunsen burner set to full power

Luke: srsly who is this

unknown: baby ive got my ion you

Luke: i will report u for sexual harrasement

unknown: yo chill this is what u get for leaving ur # in textbooks

Luke: what??

unknown: i found ur # in an old chem textbook & decided to txt u :))))

Luke: why?

unknown: cause im bored shit why are u so pissy

Luke: not pissy just confused. is this Mikey?

unknown: no lol i dont even know a mikey

Luke: oh

unknown: even if there wasn't gravity on earth I'd still fall for you.

Luke: that's not even chemistry anymore that's physics

unknown: oh shit ive been flirting with a nerd

Luke: :-(

unknown: who puts noses on their smiley faces anymore

Luke: theyre cuter like that!

unknown: nerd alert

Luke: ur the one who started texting me

unknown: dammit

Luke: speaking of which how old are you even to be flirting with me

unknown: im not telling

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