four years

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a/n: this is so angsty oh my god

When Luke woke up that chilly morning, he expected it to be another normal day. He'd brew his coffee as he'd rub at his eyes sleepily, then Petunia would him eagerly around the small kitchen as he'd fill her bowl while waiting for his toast. 

What he didn't expect was the knock on the door as he clicked his coffee machine on.

"Just a minute!" he called out, frowning a little in confusion. He nearly tripped over Petunia in his rush to get to his room to grab a pair of shorts - he couldn't open the door in his underwear, especially when he had no idea who could be on the other side.

And if Luke wasn't expecting the knock, then he definitely wasn't expecting to see that face standing behind it.

He blinked in confusion, then rubbed his eyes some more. When he opened them again, the familiar face was still there, wearing an unsure smile.


The brunet shrugged, keeping both hands in his jeans pockets. "The one and only."

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I- Uh... It's a long story."

So Luke let him in, watching curiously as he toed his shoes off and hung up his scarf and jacket, as though this was a normal occurrence.

Luke followed quietly as Calum made his way to the worn out couch, Petunia jumping up beside him as soon as he made himself comfortable. Neither of them talked for a minute: Luke was busy wondering what he could say.

"You're looking good," Calum finally said when Luke sat down on the purple beanbag lying beside the TV.

Luke took a breath. "You came to my apartment, at- 9AM on a Saturday morning, after not speaking to me for four years to tell me I'm looking good ?"

Calum was visibly taken aback by Luke's forwardness, but Luke didn't feel bad. He was confused and groggy, and he definitely did not understand what the hell was going on.

"Coffee?" Luke then asked when it was evident that Calum didn't have a response for him.

"Yeah, thanks."

Luke then got up, made his way to the kitchen, and pulled two cups out of the shelf. He placed them on the marble counter, the clinking the only noise filling the small room.

He felt surreal. He should just march up to Calum and ask for an explanation. Why did he even let him in without asking in the first place?

But he did. He couldn't change the past. He had let Calum in, and although Luke had changed since the last time he had seen the brunet, he wasn't going to kick him out.

Luke realised he lost himself in his thoughts when he heard a cough behind him, and turned around to see Calum standing there, expectant eyes on Luke.

"Uh, sorry," Luke muttered, turning back around and pouring the coffee into the two cups. He handed one to the brunet, before saying, "You know where everything is. Nothing's changed."

The side of Calum's lips quirked up for a second, and Luke knew why. Nothing's changed. Everything had changed, and they both knew it.

Calum took a seat at the plain white counter while Luke leaned against the sink behind it, taking in Calum's appearance. He still looked pretty much the same, except for his hair, which had just gotten more unruly over the years. On closer inspection, Luke realised that he also looked tired, not just due to the fact that it was early in the morning, but something much deeper that Luke hoped he would not have to get into.

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