565 57 28

Houston, Texas
Verse One, Chapter Four

Popping her knuckles Adia read the light bill, her eyes widen slightly at the amount. They hadn't even been in their house that long and bills were already past due. Monroe had to come up with 425 dollars or they were turning their lights off. She had the money she just wasn't paying the bills. Adia knew this was coming, but she wasn't expecting it this soon. Sighing she bit into the sour apple and shook her head at the notice when Monroe walked in.

"What's this?" She asked a little harsher than she intended. She couldn't help it though. It pissed her off that Monroe was being so irresponsible so early on. All of the girls paid their share of the bills and they assumed that Monroe was taking care of the bills with that money. Now, she didn't know what she was doing with it.

"Adia don't start okay I had a long night and we're about to have an even longer one. What you need to be worried about is how much-"

"No," She cut Monroe off. "I need to be worried about these bills which seems like it's something that you're not worried about." Monroe was shocked that Adia was talking to her the way that she was. Adia was always the daughter who rarely ever talked back and just did whatever Monroe asked of. She just couldn't deal with it anymore.

"Adia you need to watch your mouth and remember who you're talking to."

"I know exactly who I'm talking to," She pushed herself off the counter. Monroe just stared at her not knowing what to say. This attitude that Adia had just came out of nowhere and threw her completely off guard. "I'm going to go get ready for tonight," She threw her apple away and passed Monroe going to her bedroom.

Now more than ever she believed Angel when she said not to get too excited about things. Monroe was a 40-year-old woman who couldn't get her shit together and it pissed all of her daughters off. Adia didn't want to be out on the streets or back living in a pissy-ass apartment because her mother couldn't handle responsibilities. She knew that she had to work extra hard later on tonight so she could take the money she had in the bank and move out. She couldn't deal with Monroe acting like a child anymore.

Knowing she had to be at work in a couple of hours though, Adia brushed her anger towards her mother off and took a quick shower running her razor over her private areas to make sure she was smooth for tonight. A part of her was excited about making money but the other half thought mostly about Rome. The atmosphere would be so different without him there it had her dreading going. There was nobody else she was close within the club like she was with Rome and the fact that he wouldn't be there almost had her tearing up.

She didn't want to be sad about him though because she knew he wouldn't want that. He would want her to keep her head in the game and make her money no matter what was happening. And although she knew PlayHouse had more and just as good security present inside and out of the club she didn't feel 100% safe anymore like she did with Rome.

No words were spoken as the girls took Angel's car to the club. Everybody was in their own head trying to prepare themselves for tonight. Things were still a bit tense between Monroe and Adia with them not even looking at each other the ride there. Angel and Aaliyah could sense something was off but decided it was probably best for them to stay out of it. Since Adia and Monroe rarely fought this was a rare sighting and the girls didn't want that to distract them from tonight.

"It's jumpin' in bitch already!" Pumpkin one of the chosen dancers for the night yelled as the three girls walked inside the back. A lot was going in the back of the club. Girls were running around butt-ass naked trying to look their best for tonight. The tension in the room was thick as girls tried to put their best foot forwards to be chosen to dance for Kasir in one of the VIP rooms.

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