Chrashley - Nightmares

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A flash of silver. A barrel of a gun. The smell of smoke. A loud explosion. Cries of fear. Tears, lots of them. Little dolls, their blank eyes boring into her. A massive saw, a couple actually. Freezing on the spot in absolute terror. A shock of spiky blonde hair just in her periphery view. A smear of blood across the wall. Metal shackles around her wrists, holding them above her head. A trapdoor. Screaming. A ghost of the past coming back to haunt them, to haunt her. Cold lips on hers, only to be yanked away. Screeching sounds piercing the air. The scuttle of feet so quick the owner can't possibly be human. The snow stained red. Clothes stained red. Skin stained red. The chopping helicopter blades. The loud booming voice echoing through the trees. A lodge, up in flames. The feeling of hands holding her up, holding her to something warm and firm. Blue eyes. Flashing lights. Cameras, everywhere. A heart shaped key. A video tape that she regrets. Questions, endless questions. The sombre funeral of the three Washington siblings. A hand slowly slipping into hers. Black rimmed glasses. The gentle squeeze of a comforting hug. Voices. Talking gibberish. She can't understand them. It. Any of it.

And then, a voice. A soothing quiet male voice.

"Ash, you're okay. You're alright. Just open your eyes. I'm here,"

The feeling of both wanting to comply and not wanting to comply. Something, someone, stroking her arm with a feather soft touch.

"Ash open your eyes. I'm right here,"

Her eyes fluttered open, taking in the dark world around her. Ashley grasped her bed covers in fear as she became fully aware, and looked right up at the roof, only to stare into clear blue eyes instead, laced with worry and confusion. She let out a whimper.

"Shh, shh," the same voice whispered as the eyes scanned her face and a hand caressed her cheek gently. "You're okay, it's all okay. We're here in our bed, in our apartment, nowhere near that bloody freaking mountain,"

The hand moved from her cheek to a lamp switch beside the bed, turning it on. Ashley blinked a couple of times to adjust her own eyes to the light before meeting the crystal blue eyes again.

"Ch...Chris?" she asked hesitantly.

"Hey there,"

She relaxed a little and sunk into the bed, only then realising how tense she'd been. She sighed as she wiped her brow, which was sweaty and sticky.

"Bad dream?" he asked her, settling back into his half of the bed, and she nodded, rubbing her eyes. He lent forward to kiss her temple gently, tucking some hair behind her ear.

'You're okay now though,"

"I don't feel okay," she told him helplessly, staring up at the ceiling instead of meeting his concerned eyes. She could feel them boring into her and turned her head to the alarm clock sat on her bedside table. Its harsh red light read 3:18 and she sighed loudly, returning her gaze to the ceiling. Chris reached over to her and tilted her chin, making her turn her face to meet his.

"Hey, it's all over Ash. Has been for two years now. We never have to go there ever again, we don't ever have to talk about it again, we don't even have to think about that mountain again,"

"That doesn't mean we don't Christopher," she shot back, raising her voice a little, gesturing to herself. "Hence the nightmares every couple of nights,"

When he gave her a hurt look, she sighed again, feeling guilty for lashing out at him.

"I'm sorry, that wasn't fair to be rude. I'm just tired, and scared I guess,"

"S'okay," he murmured, still not really looking impressed and moving to roll over away from her.

"Hey, c'mere," she said softly, stopping him, reaching out to pull his face towards her and plant a kiss on his lips. "I'm sorry. What can I do to make it up to you?"

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