Survival (Part 3): Emily, Mike, Ashley, Sam, Chris, Josh, and Beth

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Okay, so, I know, it's been a while, whoops. What can I say? Nasty bout of Writers Block, but ya girl managed to get this out for y'all. There will definitely not be a Part 4, so this is a little longer than it would usually be. You're welcome? Idk. Anyway, I'm gonna try commit myself to writing more of this book specifically, cause I've been rewatching Youtuber playthroughs of Until Dawn recently and kinda gotten back onto the train. Markiplier and Jacksepticeye and GTLive and stuff. I know all that was like 7 years ago now, or something like that, but oh well, deal with it. Or don't. Doesn't really matter. So yeah, enjoy. Hope it lives up to your probably very low expectations.

- Grace, out 😘💙

Emily waited nervously with Sam and Mike as they barricaded themselves in a random room in the basement. She'd sat up on a table as they entered, already worried for Chris and Beth. They'd just got Beth back, it'd be absolutely horrid to lose her again, especially so soon and to such a horrible monster, or whatever these Wendigo things were supposed to be.

She leaned her back against the wall and looked up at the ceiling silently. She wasn't usually a religious person, but she found herself hoping, praying, that Chris and Beth were about to walk back through the door, maybe even with Josh in tow. Ashley had gone up to wait for them at the front door about 10 minutes ago and everyone else left was feeling nervous. Sam was pacing back and forth, muttering under her breath, glancing over at the open door every so often, just to check. Mike leant against the wall pretending to be calm and collected, but Emily knew him well enough to recognise the nervous grinding of his teeth and the subtle jig of his left knee and foot as he waited. She herself kept realising she was swinging her legs and tapping her fingers on the table and forced herself to stop several times.

"Chris! Beth!" Ashley's panicked tones rung downstairs and into the basement where they sat, and all three of them were immediately still, Emily and Mike on their feet. Moments later, Chris and Beth came in, followed by a hysterical Ashley. Beth was bleeding a frightening amount, and Chris was practically carrying her as they moved over to the table.

"What the hell happened out there?!" Sam asked for the group, helping Beth sit up on the table. "Where's Josh?"

Chris shook his head, avoiding eye contact with everyone, and Emily had to refrain from rolling her eyes as Ashley timidly took his hand, squeezing it, encouraging him to elaborate.

"We were too late," he said quietly, and Em felt her heart sink as Beth let out a singular pained choked sob. "The Wendigos had already got to him by the time we got there. Then a Wendigo ambushed us, almost killing Beth,"

"Chris saved me," Beth spoke up, voice strained and skin pale as she sent Chris a weak nod. "If it wasn't for him, I'd be dead,"

"You might still be if you don't stop that bleeding," Sam said, moving to inspect Beth's forehead. Emily noticed the blonde clench her jaw tightly and blink rapidly, subtle signs that she was trying not to cry, locking away her emotions. "It's a deep cut, and you're losing too much blood. Don't close your eyes, now matter how much you want to, and let me just get a cloth or something for your head,"

"I'm fine," Beth replied tiredly, swatting Sam away. "I just need to rest for a couple of minutes before heading to the mines,"

"I'm sorry?" Mike asked incredulously. "You want to go back out there?"

"Yeah, uhh, what?" Emily agreed, jumping down off the table she'd settled back against and walking over to Beth. "Beth sweetie, you must be delusional from the amount of blood you've lost cause newsflash; you got lucky as it is with just a head wound. And now you want to go down into the mines, where these monsters live? Are you nuts?!"

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