Chris and Sam - The Funeral

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I'll only say one thing; get ready for the feels!

Appropriately, the day was dismal, wet and cold. The rain had been pelting violently down from the minute Chris woke up, and it continued to rain heavily throughout the entire day. Not that Chris was surprised. Nature seemed to have it out for the Washington siblings, and it wasn't going to rest just because they were dead. Then again, everything and everyone seemed to be against the Washington siblings lately, himself and his friends included at one point.

He lay there, motionless, for a good minute or so, eyes closed, listening to the rain drumming relentlessly down on the roof. He knew what today was. He didn't want to think about it. But eventually, he would have to. And when that happened, he didn't wanna be lying half-dressed and alone in his single bed.

He let out a frustrated groan and rolled on his side, groping lazily for his glasses on his bedside table and sliding them on, blinking as his eyes readjusted. The first thing he saw was his black suit, hanging on the back of his bedroom door, and he stared it down, willing it to fall or spontaneously combust into flames. Anything that would get it out of his sight. When it just hung there, he huffed, sitting up and swinging his legs over the side of the bed, looking away and staring blankly at the contents of his bedside table.

It's just a suit Cochise. Stop being a wuss bro.

Chris shot up onto his feet and shook his head.

"Don't," he said aloud to the empty room. "Stop it. Not today,"

Unsurprisingly, there was no reply, and slowly, he sat back down on the bed, burying his face in his hands.

"C'mon Chris, don't start falling apart now. At least get to the funeral parlour first," he said to himself, dry and sardonic, running a hand through his spiky hair. As he dropped his hands to his lap, the photo that sat in the primary spot on his bedside table caught his eyes.

"No," he said to himself. "It'll just upset you,"

Oh come on Cochise! Ya know you wanna!

Chris sighed, reaching forward and picking up the photo. Him, Sam and Josh. That was it. The three of them, standing on one of the many balconies at the Washington Estate, smiling at the camera. Sam had an arm around each boy's shoulders as she stood up on her tip toes between them, laughing. Chris felt a pang of longing in his heart. He hadn't seen her look like that, happy, for a long long time. He missed it. On her left, Josh was pulling a face as he flipped off the camera with his free hand, his other sneaked up behind Sam to give her bunny ears. Chris himself wasn't looking at the camera, instead looking fondly at his two friends from Sam's other side, grinning, one arm around Sam's waist as the other one reached across her to swat at Josh's rude gesture.

That day had always stuck with Chris. The three of them together, alone. No drama, no awkward feelings, no interruptions. Just the three of them, talking, for forever. Sure he and Josh did prank Sam, but only once, and as far as pranks go, it was pretty mild. It was peaceful, comfortable, warm. Sam and Josh gave Chris advice about his ridiculous crush on Ashley, of which he only acknowledged Sam's as Josh's was to 'buck up and take her straight to the bone zone'. Chris got to watch Josh and Sam casually flirt back and forth knowing that neither of them were gonna act on it. Josh and Chris even fell asleep when they had all snuggled up together on a blanket they'd set up in the sun, with Sam reading a book as she played with their hair, nails scraping gently against their scalps, until they woke up. Then about 5 minutes after the photo was taken, Hannah and Beth came back from their camp and ambushed them. The five of them spent the rest of the afternoon swimming and splashing around together in the Washington's massive pool.

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