Hannah, Beth, Josh, Chris, and Sam - Movie Night

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There was a loud knock at the door, and the sound of footsteps could be heard throughout the house as the three Washington siblings raced for the front door. Hannah reached it first, poking her tongue out at her two siblings, and flung it open, launching herself in Sam's arms, which made the blonde chuckle fondly.

"You're here!" Hannah squealed, squeezing her best friend tightly.

"Of course I am, I could never pass on movie night with the Washingtons," Sam replied, grinning past Hannah at the other two siblings. Beth grinned back while Josh winked at her, causing her to flush the slightest bit pink.

"Me neither," a male voice said behind her, and the four all focused their attention on the figure behind Sam.

"Cochise!" Josh exclaimed happily.

Chris stood behind Sam, waving at the group and when Hannah finally let go of Sam, she flung her arms around Chris, while Beth and Josh sandwiched Sam in another hug. Hannah stepped back and Josh pulled Chris into a bone crushing hug.

"Hey bro, how ya been?"

"Good, bro, and you?"

"Yeah, good, thanks for asking bro,"

Sam rolled her eyes at Hannah and Beth, turning her back to the two boys.

"Oh dear god, here we go with all the 'bro' s, just make out already, we know you two are in love with each other," she joked, gesturing to the two of them.

"Cochise isn't the one I wanna make out with Samantha," Josh shot back, winking at her again. She suppressed her smile, instead coyly replying;

"Right, I forgot Mike and Jess are both your secret turn on,"

"Damn straight they are," he said, raising his eyebrows suggestively, completely unfazed. "Have you seen how hot those two are?!"

Chris, Hannah, and Beth all laughed as Sam crossed her arms and sent Josh a flirty smile. She then turned back to the house and strolled through the front door, the rest of them following her in. They all automatically made their way to the lounge room, which was derived of two big plush sofas, a bunch of cushions and blankets, a snack drawer and a 75 inch flatscreen TV. Each person immediately went and sat in their specific spot, where they always sat whenever they were together. Sam sat on a cushion on the floor, right in front of the couch. Hannah sat behind her cross legged on the couch, and Sam leant back against it, her head resting on the intersection of Hannah's legs. Both girls grabbed blankets for themselves, and Hannah immediately pulled hers up to her chin, while Sam draped it over her outstretched legs. Beth sat next to Hannah on the couch turning sideways to lie across the couch, using Hannah to prop herself up. Her legs remained outstretched along the couch. Chris sat down on the other end of the couch from Hannah, lifting up Beth's feet which lay in his spot and resting them back down on his lap as he sat, tucking a blanket under them. Finally, Josh lay down in front of the couch on the shaggy grey carpet, resting his head comfortably in Sam's lap and leaving his feet down the end where Chris sat. He didn't grab himself a blanket, instead choosing to pull on a beanie, some thermal socks, and lay his jacket across his front, huddling his hands and arms together under it. Once everyone was comfortable and happy, Chris spoke up;

"Who's turn is it to choose the movie genre?"

"Well, Beth picked 80's classics last time, so we ended up watching Stand by Me, Lost Boys, The Goonies, Ghostbusters and E.T.," Sam started to read out a notes document she'd made on her phone, looking up at Chris to see if he were paying attention. "And Hannah picked romance the time before that, we watched The Notebook, The Holiday, Titanic, 10 Things I Hate About You and Romeo and Juliet. The time before that, I picked action and adventure, so we ended up watching The Princess Bride, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, The Hunger Games and Maze Runner, and finally, the time before that, you picked comedy, so we watched Grownups, Jack and Jill, Juno, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure and Home Alone, so that means-"

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