Sosh - The Letter

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"Miss Giddings, I'm sorry to report that Joshua Washington was too far gone into what you all referred to him as a 'Wendigo', and we had no choice but to kill him before he posed anymore danger to us or anyone else,"

Sam remembered those words, more than anything else that happened after that night, probably even more than what had happened that night. Those words were permanently burned into her brain, never to leave, never to let her think about anything else.

She remembered where she was, that night she was told Josh was dead. She remembered why she was there, and who else was there, and what is was about. She remembered the late night call from the police, asking her to come to the station if she could.

"Its about Joshua Washington," they told her, and in an instant she was up and leaving the house.

She remembered arriving and seeing everyone else there, waiting anxiously. She remembered giving Ash a hug, and nodding to Jess, and squeezing Chris' hand hopefully. She remembered Matt squeezing her shoulder gently, and Emily giving her a tense tight lipped smile.

"What's this about?" she remembered asking Mike when she arrived. "Have they told you anything? Have you seen him?"

"No," she remembered him saying, a sombre look spread across his face, perhaps already cluing into what was going on. "They haven't told us anything, and none of us have seen Josh,"

"But we will soon, right?" she remembered Emily asking, looking desperately at Mike. "Right?"

She remembered Mike shrugging and then swallowing as a door opened behind Sam and a detective walked up to the group. Sam remembered turning to face him, so full of hope and anticipation, waiting for Josh to just stroll through the doors and walk up to her.

"Hey Sammy," he'd say, before ruffling her hair and pulling her into a hug. "Hope you haven't been having too much fun without me!"

She remembered the detective giving them all an uneasy glance before holding something out in his hands. A ripped charred denim strap, from Josh's overalls. She remembered her mind racing to figure out what that meant and listening to the others as they figured it out for themselves.

"No," she remembered Chris whispering before yelling. "NO!"

He sunk to his knees, Ashley clutching his side as she sobbed quietly, whispering, hushed and fast into his ear.

"Oh fuck," she remembered hearing Mike whisper as he ran his hands through his hair. She remembered hearing muffled cries and turning to see Jess crying into Matt's chest, as he looked vacantly up to the roof, jaw set and emotionless, the only sign of grief a singular tear rolling down his face.

"Oh my god," she remembered Emily say aloud before she felt around blindly for a chair and sat down in it, staring at the ground blankly. She remembered the overwhelming sense of dread that was starting to settle over all of them like a black cloud and turned to the detective again.

"I don't understand," she remembered saying, not quite getting the hint. "Where's Josh?"

She remembered the sympathetic look the detective gave her, before her told her. Those fatal words, the ones she will never not hear, never not see when she closed her eyes, written in her mind like white fluffy skywriting against the blue sky.

"Miss Giddings, I'm sorry to report that Joshua Washington was too far gone into what you all referred to him as a Wendigo, and we had no choice but to kill him before he posed anymore danger to us or anyone else,"

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