Survival (Part 1): Emily, Mike, Ashley, Sam, Chris, Josh and Beth (surprise!)

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A/N: Just for laughs, my original title was; Survival (Part 1): Everyone except Hannah, cause she a Wendigo and Matt and Jess, cause they dead, so I guess I should just say Sam, Chris, Mike, Josh, Ashley, Emily and *drumroll please* Beth (surprise!) This title is probably way too long now but oh well enjoy I guess but apparently it was too long for the story to save so now you get stuck with that boring crap.

Also, this AU was originally someone on tumblr's idea, and I'm not entirely sure how exactly to credit them, but their Tumblr name is Sometimes we are foxes, so yeah, go check them out or see if you can find them. Now, onto the AU.

Emily watched as the hooded figure stood over the elevator, searching it, presumably looking for her, wielding some big weapon in their hands.

She didn't mean to make a sound but at she took a few slow steps backwards, she ended up kicking some rocks across the rotten wood, causing the mysterious person to turn and look at her.

"Shit!" she whispered as the person made to move towards her, and she took off, torch in hand, following the confined winding paths of the tunnels.

"Hey, get back here!" she heard the unknown figure whisper hoarsely back and there was a loud crunch of rocks indicating that she was now being chased by this stranger. As she ran, she had to jump from platform to platform for a small section of the tunnel and ended up catching her foot and tumbling to the ground, making way too much noise for someone who was trying to run away from a highly likely dangerous mysterious unknown figure. Without hesitation, she picked herself back up and kept running, knowing that stopping was going to do her no favours whatsoever. As she ran from the platforms into another tunnel, she noticed a knocked over barrel, with some fluid pooled around it.

Deciding pretty quickly to just take the risk, she thrust the torch out of her hands and into the fluid, which immediately lit up in a blaze of fire. She began to run again, sneaking a peek over her shoulder only to see the hooded figure walk through the flames like it was nothing. She was too busy checking behind her to watch what was in front of her and ended up turning her head back only to run into a quite solid wooden wall.

"Oh shit!" she exclaimed as she ran her hands over the damp wood frantically, scanning the area for any sign of escape. When she realised there was no way out, she went to go back the other way, only to find the figure standing before her, blocking her way. She whimpered as she shuffled away from it, falling to her butt, and scrabbling back.

"No please!" she pleaded desperately as they figure reached out to her. "Leave me alone!"

The figure took her roughly by the shoulder and hauled her to her feet, shushing her in a hushed voice.

"Shut up Emily!" the mysterious person whispered, and Emily wondered how they knew her name before catching a glance of familiar dark brown eyes.

"I know you..." she told the figure quietly, the feeling of not quite being able to put her finger on it distracting her from her current situation. A long loud screech filled the air, pulling Emily back to reality, bouncing off the confined walls of the tunnel. The figure looked over their shoulder quickly before releasing their grip on Emily.

Using Emily's body as a battering ram, they broke through the wood and pushed Emily over the edge, taking off a small shoulder bag and tossing it down after her.

"Use these! And get the hell out of!" they yelled after her, before turning around and letting out a violent column of flames from the tip of their weapon, dousing the approaching Wendigo in flames and letting out a determined cry.

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