Matt and Sam - I Got Your Back

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A/N: Okay so real quick, I saw this Until Dawn preference/one shot book and it was kinda talking about friendships within the group which one wouldn't really expect, for example Mike and Ash being childhood friends which was why he got so surprised when Josh mentioned Mike getting it on with Ashley and stuff like that, and it talked about Matt and Sam being the jocks in the group and therefore kinda hanging out together in middle school, but staying friends in high school even if they weren't necessarily in the same group. I thought that was a cute idea, and I guess I thought I'd write a one shot about it. Anyway, enjoy! - Grace 💙😘

Just a warning, there is quite a lot of swearing throughout this one shot, so if you don't like that well, now you know I guess?

Sam and Matt have been friends for quite a long time. They haven't ever been like best friends or anything like that, but they've always been quite close, like Chris and Sam. At the end of the day, if Matt needs advice for something, which he often does, he goes to Sam, or if Sam needs help, she goes to Matt. It's just always been that way, since PE in middle school where they were playing co-ed basketball and Sam stole the ball from Matt and lay upped the ball into the hoop, flashing him a smug, triumphant smirk. And everyone's aware of it. Of the unspoken friendship between the two of them. How Matt is the only person besides Hannah who is allowed to steal some of Sam's chips, and sometimes, Sam is seen wearing Matt's precious letterman jacket when she gets cold. They also look out for each other. They have each other's backs. Always have and always will.

Sam walked down the school hallway, trying to balance her lacrosse stick in one hand while carrying her books in the other, holding a coffee mug in the same hand as the arm squeezing her books tightly to her chest. A group of sophomore girls giggled at her as she walked past them, pointing, and grinning like it was the funniest thing they'd ever seen.

"No no, don't bother helping me girls, I'm totally fine," she grumbled to them as she passed, wishing she had an extra hand to flip them the bird with. She felt a quick tug of her messy ponytail behind her and whipped around to give whoever had had the nerve to tug her hair a mouthful.

"What the fu- oh, Matt, hi,"

Matt gave her a friendly wave, a cheeky grin plastered across his face.

"Hey Sammy, you need some help there?"

Sam shook her hand, gesturing for him to continue on his way with her head.

"Nah, I'm all good," she told him, and no sooner than that, one of her books slipped and hit the floor, causing her papers to go everywhere.

"You sure?" Matt asked, bending down to pick up her book and pulling all the loose pages into a pile.

"Yeah, fine, really," she said casually, as if she hadn't just dropped a book and scattered her notes everywhere. She bent down a little and gestured with her head for him to put the book and papers on top of the pile of books in her arms.


"No problem Sammy. Now, you're absolutely sure you don't want any help,"

"Matt, I'm okay, just go on with whatever you were doing! Don't you have a class to be late for or something?" she said, a joking twinkle in her eye as she hoisted her books up a little higher.

"It's the 10 minute break genius," he quipped back, and she poked her tongue out at him like a child.

"Just go on with whatever you were doing, I'm fine,"

"Okay..." Matt finally relented, raising his hands in surrender.

As he walked away, he heard Sam call out.

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