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The bell rings and I couldn't help but let my whole body relax, slouching and putting my head down into my notebook. I couldn't tell exactly why, but I was tense this whole time. I pick my head up and put all my stuff away. I pick up my bag, putting it on, and look over at the now empty window seat on my left.

How did he leave so quickly? So quietly too...

I groan as I walk out of the class. I stretch as I walk down the hall, making my way down a flight of stairs and continue walking until I see an open door. I go to it and walk out to see what looked like a mini trail that led to another building.

I look around a bit and it was empty on both sides. I shrug and walk out, making my way to the other side of the green metal bars and sit down on the grass. I put my bag down and pull out a bento box, setting it down beside myself as I pull out my phone and earphones. I put one earphone in, leaving one out just in case. I plug it into my phone and put on a playlist I created.

The music plays as I open up my lunch and eat. A few minutes pass but then, I suddenly hear footsteps. I freeze, quickly grabbing my bag and pulling it close to myself, and bunch myself up. The footsteps start on the cement but the step on the grass. I look on both sides of myself before realizing they were on the opposite side. I sigh a bit before realizing I would probably have to sneak away or wait for them to leave for me to go unnoticed.

I sigh as I pick my bento box back up and continue eating as I hear the person put something against the metal and then a second thing, opening up their bag. They close the bag and walk away, their footsteps sounding farther away.

Well...I could at least know who it is...no no, that's too risky...

I shake my head and try and finish quickly. I suddenly hear a slight grunt and some ruffling around for a few minutes. Then footsteps again and then something that starting hitting a wall. More and more questions started to rise as I listened to constant movement and something consistently hitting a wall. I close up my bento box and put it away, slowly closing my bag hoping it wouldn't make too much noise.

I slowly turn around instead of getting up and peak my head up from the metal sheet and my eyes go wide. It was him again. He moved around quickly, constantly hitting a volleyball to the wall with his forearms, occasionally hitting it with his hand whenever it got too high.

 He moved around quickly, constantly hitting a volleyball to the wall with his forearms, occasionally hitting it with his hand whenever it got too high

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(Ahh, this took long but it was so fun to draw 😭🥺)

I couldn't help but stare again. He wore a short-sleeve white shirt with big, dark teal shorts. He wore sneakers and looked like he was in gym class. I watch as he runs around, keeping a good pace and continuously putting out his arms and holding his hand as the ball flies back at him, hitting his forearms and flying right back to the wall.

That's when I started to look at his body. His arms were thick, built, his hands, big, huge even, veiny, long thick fingers, short nails, broad shoulders, a wide chest that slightly stretched the front on his shirt, his back, muscular being shown every time he stretched out his arms, his thighs, big, flexing every time he pushes himself off the ground and flies to another area, his calf's, thick, looking like if you touched it, it would almost be completely solid, his feet, big, fitting for his body type. I feel my face slightly heating up as I continued to analyze him.

His face was a bit more scrunched up the usual. His eyes were focused, following the balls every move and being able to quickly react if it fell short, went too far, or went a completely different direction. His jaw, slightly clenched and defined. His nose, smooth, no bump, and his lips, still pouting but a bit more squeezed together. I watch as he starts to work up a sweat, but not lacking behind, still being able to catch any little detail.

I was stuck, frozen as he continued to train, completely unknowing of my presence. I suddenly shake myself out of my little trance when I loud song starts to play. I quickly duck down and fumble around with my phone, trying to lower down the volume as quickly as I could while simultaneously trying to pause it. I curse at myself as I quickly rip the earphones out of my ear and put my stuff away. I stay still, trying to see if he noticed, but he hadn't.

Would I be able to sneak away since he's so focused? I mean, it's not like I wasn't here first...

I shake my head and stand up, throwing my bag on and freeze as soon as I hear the ball drop, hitting the grass. I slowly and awkwardly turn around making eye contact with the one I tried to avoid. His legs were spread out, and his arms were so close to stopping the ball, only to stop mid-way.

Is he that observant?? How did he even see me? Did I make too much noise? A loud noise? Aghh Y/N!!

Y/N: "U-Uh...s-sorry, I just wanted to eat my lunch here, and it just so happened I finished right now..."

He stands up properly and nods, turning away and picking up the volleyball from the floor.

Well, that was...anticlimactic...

I awkwardly walk back to the door when I stop, turning back to look at the boy who was completely okay with me sitting there without him knowing. He seemed to be frozen for a minute, starting at the ball between his hands.

Y/N: "U-uhm!"

I froze, not knowing what to say. He seemed to tense a bit when I spoke out of nowhere when I probably should have left already. He turned around, facing me, looking at me as I struggled to find the words I needed.

Y/N: "D-do you like volleyball a lot?"

He seemed to hesitate a bit before nodding.

Y/N: "Y-you seem like a good player...u-uhm... I'll be rooting for you!"

My face quickly grew red as his eyes slightly widened. I turn around and ran away to the nearest bathroom. I flew in and slammed my hands on one of the sinks.

Holy crap, that was so awkward!! Jeez, I suck!!

I whine as I look up at myself in the mirror and see my red face slowly calm down. I splash my face with cold water and try and recollect myself. I dry off my face, and not too long after, the bell rings. I sigh and walk out of the bathroom.

Let's try and make the rest of today a good day...

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