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I sit myself up a bit, glancing over at Aone.

Y/N: "Have you ever taught someone how to play?"

He opens his eyes, putting his bottle beside himself as he shakes his head. I nod biting at my lip a bit felling a bit nervous all over again.

Am I interested in learning? Or do I just want to be closer to him? What if he doesn't want to teach me if I do end up asking? Ugh I hate the unknown...

Y/N: "What was it like when you were learning to play? Did you enjoy it?"

Again, as always, he paused, thinking.

Aone: "Yes. I liked learning about it."

That made me smile a little.

Y/N: "Do you like talking to other people? Or getting along with other people?"

He nodded.

Aone: "I don't like when people don't get along."

I blushed a little, looking away.

Ah crap what if he catches you with your face red like this?? Ah damn...but how could I not? He's so sweet it drives me crazy!

Y/N: "I like that.."

I jump a little realizing it just slipped out. I look over at him and he automatically looks away, his cheeks slightly red. I couldn't help but laugh a bit.

Y/N: "I didn't mean to say that, but it's true. You're very kind, and I like that about you."

His head drops down a bit more, his face only getting more red.

Should I keep going? I like seeing him flustered like that..but what if he doesn't?

Y/N: "Sorry if I'm embarrassing you at all..but I like getting to know you more. From when I met you to now, the more I've talked to you or just have been around you, I realize I love being able to be there with yooooh no-"

I automatically slap my hands on my mouth.


I look at him for a moment to see him looking at me, a bit wide eyed and I look away when I realize he was.

HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT, CALM DOWN okay, hold on, just try and play it off, you're okay.. it's fine...................

I look at him from the corner of my eye.


I slowly uncover my mouth, knowing my face was red.

There's no point hiding it.

Aone: "I.."

He paused and I look over as he picks at his thumb nail.

Aone: "like to spend time with you too.."

My heart thumps over and over, feeling like it was going to burst.

Y/N: "I-"

Suddenly, my phone buzzes. I sigh a bit and open my bag, my face still burning up.

"Are you okay? You didn't show up to lunch and Usoro said that you've been running around school. He said that you might be avoiding him."

Of course he'd pull that that..damn Usoro..

"I'm fine. I just didn't feel like coming to lunch, not to get away from you guys or anything. I was running around because I wanted to explore a bit and I'm not avoiding him at all."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2021 ⏰

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