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I sit in my seat, fiddling with my pencil and staring at the clock.

It's only the second day, and I already have such an urge to leave...

I sit there, tapping my foot and the bell rang. I let out a breath, instantly shoving my notebook in my desk and hopping up, about to open the door when the door opens and I almost bump into Natsuo.

Natsuo: "Oh! You're ready, let's go."

I nod and we walk down the hall, down the steps and make our way to a familiar door. We walk down the same mini trail that I had seen yesterday, and he opens the door to the other small building. I jump a little as I hear some of the slamming of the volleyball become 10x louder and hear more phrases and squeaking sneakers. I watch in awe, not noticing Natsuo already walking in and turning to me.

Natsuo: "You coming?"

Y/N: "Y-yes! Sorry."

I walk into the gym and the whole mood changed. The air was thick and the energy was tense. I watch as humongous guys jump, blocking the ball and all the others run around, throwing themselves to the ground roughly to save the ball even if it was only practice. I see others run, quickly receiving the ball and the spikers already running at top speed, jumping up and hitting the ball with all of their force only to be blocked by the sudden appearance of blockers, popping up and stopping the ball, having it slam back down on their own court.

I see a man walk up to us. He had slick back black hair with a straight expression.

Coach: "What are you two here for?"

Natsuo: "Ah! Right, we're here to watch practice, sorry for intruding."

The person I could only assume to be the coach simply nods and goes back to talking to the players, instructing them and point out flaws or things they could improve on. Me and Natsuo walk off to the side, away from the door and I lean against the wall. I watch with eyes wide as I see the players work their hardest.

If they're doing this during practice, their matches must be crazy...

I look around, fascinated until I see him. He was on the complete opposite side of the court when a player went to spike on the left. He automatically turned, rushing to the left, jumping up and blocking them so quick that they only realized what happened when their feet hit the ground.

??: "AGHH! Not again!!"

My face started to feel warm. It was surprising and fascinating to see him go as fast as he did. What he did yesterday at lunch time was nothing compared to what he was doing now.

Natsuo: "Hey, you okay? Your face is a bit red."

I blink slowly, trying to process what was just said to me while staring at Aone, who, when he landed, pulled up his shirt and wiped his forehead. I covered my mouth while my eyes widened and my face grew hot.

W-w-what the...why...does my stomach feel all fluttery...and my heart...feels like it racing...

Natsuo: "You okay?? Do you feel sick??"


I cut myself off realizing how weird I was being.

Y/N: "I-I'm fine, sorry..."

Natsuo: "No, it's all good. If you want to leave, we can."

Of course I don't want to leave!

Y/N: "Y-yeah, I'll let you know..."

My gaze goes back to Aone and I froze completely. I see him looking at me, his eyes a bit wide. My face goes beat red and I unconsciously grab onto Natsuo's sleeve. He looks down and back up at me, following my gaze to Aone.

Natsu: "Is he making you uncomfortable?"

I jump a little, realizing how it would seem that way.

Y/N: "Oh! No, of course not! S-sorry..."

I let go of his sleeve and look back up to see Aone already back in position. I couldn't get that scene out of my mind.

His shirt pulling up and being able to see his toned stomach...some of his chest...

I screech internally as my face refused to calm down, but suddenly, I hear someone fall and I snap out of it. It was a guy with light brown hair split a bit to the right with two little hairs sticking up. He wore a jersey with the number "2" and he looked irritated. Next to him was Aone and a guy with blonde hair and three big black hairs sticking up in the front.

2: "Koganegawa! Damn you!"

Koganegawa: "I'm sorry, Futakuchi! I just realized there was an open spot and it wasn't going to be covered fast enough!"

Koganegawa: "I'm sorry, Futakuchi! I just realized there was an open spot and it wasn't going to be covered fast enough!"

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The two start to get back and forth when Aone steps in front of Futakuchi and reaches out his hand. Futakuchi suddenly stopped and grabbed his hand. Aone pulled him up with ease while Koganegawa looked nervously and guilty but pumped up.

Aone: "It's okay. It's my fault for not preparing. That was fine, Koganegawa."

Koganegawa: "Right!"

Futakuchi: "Tch."

They go right back to playing and I realize what I'm here for.

You're not only here for Takanobu...

I try and focus on everyone, but everyone in a while, I couldn't help but watch Aone for a bit before looking at the others for a split second.

Time Skip - End of Practice

They finally finished practice and Natsuo walked back in with two drinks in hand. He gave one to me and I thanked him before looking back at all of the tired guys either going to the benches and getting water, walking out with towels to rinse their heads, or picking up balls from the ground and close up the net.

Natsuo: "So, what do you think?"

Y/N: "They're all so good! Like, they all have their own strengths and they work good together! Though there are little slip ups or little mistakes, they make up for it quickly!"

He laughs a bit.

Natsuo: "I totally understand. We have some really good players here."

We walk over to the coach and thank him for letting us be able to watch the team practice. We walk out of the gym, and once we do, I realize how warm it really was in the gym.

Y/N: "I want to support them...I don't really know about being a coach, though."

Natsuo: "Oh? Why not?"

Y/N: "I don't know...I feel like maybe I'd blame myself for things I can't control...or stress myself out over how to help them or over lost points and stuff like that, or maybe I'll get too attached to the third years and have a break down when they leave!"

We laugh, continuing to walk and end up reaching the school gates.

Y/N: "Thank you for coming with me and for telling me about coaches...and joining me to watch practice and for the drink...and for hanging out with me during lunch- jeez you've already done so much for me."

I giggle a little and he just smiles.

Natsuo: "It's no problem. If you need anything, just text me. Have a good night, Y/N. See you tomorrow."

I nod and we go opposite ways.

Maybe I'll ask if they have any games coming up...

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