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Class ends and I text my mom saying that I wanted to do something for class and that I was going to here for a bit.

"Alright. Text me updates if you can!"

I celebrate internally as I walk down the hall and make my way down a flight of steps. I walk to the door that led to the gym of the volleyball team. I take a deep breath in as I open the door, but my heart jumps when the door creaked and the guy with the slick back hair from last time looked at me.

Coach: "No fans here."

Y/N: "Ah, no! I just wanted to watch...a-and I have to talk to someone..."

He paused, staring at me, looking like he was considering something.

Coach: "Oh, you're that girl from last time. Sure."

I thank him and close the door scurrying to the side. I see a couple of the players look at me and start to talk to each other, either looking excited or confused.

Coach: "Stay focused!"

They all seem to come back to reality and run back to their spots. I laugh a little, seeing some of them still look at me every once in a while, but in the end, Aone still stole my attention. Out of nowhere, though, a girl walked over to me and smiled.

Mai: "Hi! I'm Mai Nametsu. Sorry about Coach Oiwake's dismissive behavior, he's just focused at the moment."

Y/N: "Oh, no worries at all. I don't mind."

Mai: "Alright, well if you need anything, ask! I'll be right over there with Oiwake."

I nod and watch as she still seems to pay attention to the court even when going back over to coach Oiwake.

Time Skip - End of Practice

After a good while of having scares of a lifetime and moments of excitement, practice was finally over and I get up dusting myself off. I nervously jog over to the benches, and I couldn't help but notice how many tall players there were.

I couldn't really tell from far away...but man, they're all so big...

I walk up to a couple boys who are near a bench and drinking water.

Y/N: "U-uh, excuse me?"

One boy turns around and looks down at me, automatically looking lively and smiling even after how tiring that practice must have been.

Wait, wasn't he...his name wasss...

Y/N: "Oh, you're Kagenagawa, right?"

His smile widens.

Kagenagawa: "Yeah! That's me! Who're you here for, by the way?"

Futakuchi: "Not for you, that's for sure."

Kagenagawa: "What, she's here for you or something!?"

I laugh a little.

Y/N: "I'm here for Aone, actually."

In Love With The Soft Scary Giant || Aone X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now