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My eyes flutter open and I gasp seeing it being dark outside.

Y/N: "What?? No no no..."

I snatch my phone up and see multiple messages from Ichika.

Y/N: "Jeez..she's pissed...I shouldn't have taken that break."

I sigh, looking at the time.

Y/N: "No point in trying to apologize now...it's already 2 in the morning..ah jeez, my light has been on this whole time."

I rub my eyes as I turn off my light, turning back and just go back to sleep.

Time Skip - At school

I groan, a headache taking over making me feel irritated. It was time to go back into our groups and continue working. I force myself to go and join them.

Ichika: "What the hell happened last night?? You just disappeared and you ignored me! Now you're behind!"

Y/N: "Look, I'm really sorry-"

Ichika: "I don't need an apology! Just get the work done if you can't come up with a excuse."

She huffed and started to write on a paper.

Patience, Y/N. Patience.

I nod and get my part done, continuously checking with Ichika who gripped onto every nerve in my body and shook them around.

I mean, she's rightfully upset. Just stay on track.

After a couple torturous minutes of going back and forth with Ichika, I ended up catching up with them. Once she realized I did, she calmed down just a tad bit. I sighed, tapping my pencil on my desk and slowly look over to Aone's desk. I watch as he writes and once again, I was in awe. Most of my frustration went away as he wrote. The simple sound of the graphite against the paper was calming and seeing the way he wrote was a whole different story. I smiled a bit, letting out a little breath as I leaned my head on my hand, continuing to look at him write. My brain muted a bit of background noise, now just slight chatter. It was one of the most calming times in this class.

Out of nowhere he started freezing up, his letters looking a little different. I look up at him and find his face a little red.

Did he catch me looking? Oh god, that's embarrassing...

Y/N: "S-sorry."

He looked a bit surprised but he shook his head and erased the messed up words and re-wrote them.

He even writes lightly. Anytime I try and erase my writing, you can still see the word behind...AH WAIT NO LOOKING!!

I jump a bit and whip my head back to my paper.


I bite at my thumb nail, my face feeling a little warm. Soon, we were all able to talk together and finalize our poster idea. And just like last time, the bell rung at the perfect time. I get up, shoving my stuff in my bag and scurried over to Ciel. He looked up at me a bit surprised but laughed it off getting up and throwing on his bag.

We walk out of class together and he starts laughing again.

Y/N: "What?"

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