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The bell rings and I groan, dropping my head onto my desk.

Ciel: "Rough day so far?"

Y/N: "Understatement.."

I stand up and put my notebook away, shoving my stuff into my bag.

Ciel: "What happened?"

Y/N: "I got lost on my way here, I can't help but zone out or lose focus, I keep doodling all over my papers, When I get picked to read, I stutter and make myself look like an idiot, and to top it all off."

I throw my bag on and face Ciel.

Y/N: "I have a migraine."

I walk away, just thinking about how I'll have to wait to get my hands on migraine pills or even just pain killers. Ciel walks beside me laughing a bit.

Ciel: "Just relax. Your here now, you still got your notes, or even if you don't, you can ask me for them, and luckily, a few days ago, I got pain killers because of my back problems!"

He digs in his bag and holds out a packet with two painkillers in it. I stop and smile a bit, taking them in disbelief.

Y/N: "You're surprisingly supportive."

Ciel: "Yeah I kn- wait what's that supposed to mean??"

I just laugh, pulling out a bottle of water from my bag and rip open the packet placing the pills in my hand. I take them and as we turn the corner after going down a flight of stairs, I throw the packet away.

Ciel: "Uh, quick question, I saw you with Aone this morning, was he helping you? Cause you brought up being lost and stuff and I don't think you're close with him."

Y/N: "Oh, yeah. It just so happened that the train I found, he was on and so I asked him for a bit of help, but you're right. We're not really close at all, though I wouldn't mind if we were."

We walk to the table, sitting down. Aki was quick to get excited, Mei and Natsuo greeted us while Usoro was nowhere in sight.

Ciel: "What about the notebook thing earlier? You guys seem to be kinda close at least."

Y/N: "Ah, it came up in conversation and when we got to school and he showed me some stuff, but we're still not close."

He simply nodded while the others looked confused.

Natsuo: "Uh...you mind filling us in?"

Y/N: "Oh, right, sorry..."

I briefly talk about what happened and we were quick to get off the topic. But I felt like one thing was missing. Where's the attitude? The angst?

Y/N: "Hey, where Usoro?"

Natsuo: "Oh he-"

Aki: "Can you believe he plays the frickin' violin!?"

Ciel bursted our laughing while Mei kinda froze looking nervous.

Aki: "Oh, he said not to say that..."

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