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The final bell of the day rings. I stand up, putting one or two things in my desk, and put my bag on. I walk out of the classroom, walking down the hall, seeing little flyers for different clubs to join. For some reason, as I walked past, I couldn't help but glance at every flyer as I passed them, but one made me stop and look.

A...volleyball coach? Don't you only need one coach? Maybe it's an assistant coach? But why? Maybe to fill in for the other coach?

I stare at the paper but shake myself out of it when someone bumps into me. I look up and they apologize but pause. They look at me, then the flyer, then at me again. They point at the flyer and smile a bit, confusing the hell out of me.

??: "You interested in volleyball?"

Y/N: "Well... I mean, I don't know anything about it...but maybe...recently it's... piqued my interest..."

I fiddled with my fingers feeling a bit dumb.

Why did I even stop...jeez Y/N...

??: "You don't have to know everything about volleyball to be a coach, you know.  Anyways, I'd say the best time is now. Joining early can help you get more opportunities to learn about it."

My stomach felt all weird.

Am I excited? Nervous? Embarrassed?

Y/N: "I-I see...I'll consider it, I guess...b-by the way, I have a question about the team...are they good? I think I just so happened to see one of the players training, I-I guess...and they seem pretty good..."

They seemed to get a bit excited.

??: "Oh, for sure! Do you know the person you saw??"

Y/N: "I-It was... Takanobu Aone..."

??: "Ohh! No eyebrows dude! Yeah, he's pretty scary on and off the court! The team is called Date Tech, just so you know."

I started to get a bit more interested.

They still found him scary, but know he's a good player and support him...

Y/N: "I-I think...I would want to watch one of their games...or maybe practice?? B-but I think I'm a bit interested..."

I pull out my phone and take a picture of the flyer, looking at the picture right after to make sure it wasn't blurry.

??: "If you want, you could ask to watch them practice for a day."

My face heated up a bit.

Y/N: "Really? When do they have practice?"

??: "Well, today they are practicing, but they still have to welcome the first years, so maybe try tomorrow?"

Y/N: "Cool! Thank you!"

I was about to take a step, but freeze.

Y/N: "Uh, one thing, what's your name?"

Natsuo: "oh, it's Suzuki Natsuo yours?"

Y/N: " Y/L/N Y/N. U-uh, can we stay in touch?"

I say, fidgeting with my phone.

Natsuo: "Oh, sure!"

He pulls out his phone, and we exchange contacts.

Y/N: "T-thank you. I have to get going, but I'll see you tomorrow!"

Natsu: "Oh, right, sure! Bye, Y/N!"

I bow to him and run off completely disregarding that we were somehow already on a first name basis.

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