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I toss another ball and he hits it, having a lot less energy then when we originally started.

Yasushi: "I'm done."

He sighs, jogging over to the benches and grabs a water bottle.

Great, now we have to pick the balls up again, thanks to him...

I just start to pick up the balls from the other side of the court, putting them away, feeling drained.

I should have just went home...

I hear him clear his throat and he looks like he was hesitant to say something, looking slightly embarrassed.

Yasushi: "Thanks...I guess."

I laugh louder then I would like to admit making him look upset but flustered.

Yasushi: "What?? Got something to say??"

Y/N: "No, no, it's nothing. You just looked stupid."

Yasushi: "What!? I did not!"

Y/N: "How would you know?? Right! Who's the airhead now?"

I stick out my tongue and throw a volleyball into the cart. Suddenly I feel a volleyball hit my back.

Y/N: "ACK! You did not just do that!"

He looks away, whistling and picking up volleyballs. I quickly grab one and throw it at him, and surprisingly, it hit him right in the head. He freezes in place and I see him grip on the volleyball get tighter. He turns around, a dark grin plastered on his face.

Yasushi: "You're just asking for it!"

He throws the ball at me and I squeal, dodging it.

Y/N: "Oh, it's on!"

I run and grab another volleyball, trying not to get hit as I throw one at him, almost hitting his arm, but he quickly dodges it and throws one at me. It hits me in the chest and I laugh, quickly grabbing it and throwing it back as quickly as I could. We go back and forth until his tiredness really started to get to him.

His reactions were slower and I was able to hit him more. Sooner or later, I throw a ball and it knocks another ball out of his hand and he groans loudly, putting up his arms.

Yasushi: "Alright, alright, you win."

Just for good measure I throw another one at him lightly, hitting the top of his head.

Y/N: "That's payback for making me help you practice."

I snicker as he sighs dramatically, dropping to the floor as he catches his breath. I grab the cart and drag it around with me instead of having to go back and forth.

I pick up the rest of the balls from the ground, and the whole time, he just laid there on the ground. Once I finished, a walked over to him, kneeling down and poking his forehead.

Y/N: "You still have to lock up and get changed. No going to sleep on the floor."

I suddenly froze, noticing that he didn't respond. I touch his eyelashes and he doesn't even flinch.

Wait, did he actually go to sleep?? Crap!!

I sigh standing up and look around, slightly nervous. I jog over to the benches and grab his bag, putting whatever stuff he had in it. I close it up and grab the keys that were next to it. I put his stuff next to him and shake him a bit, trying to wake him up.

The orange light hit his face, and I couldn't notice how genuinely tired he must have been. I stand up and walk out the gym, going to one of the vending machines and getting two drinks. I go back in and put them down next to his back and I run over to the light switches, shutting the lights off.

I get all my stuff together and put on everything that I needed to. I walk back to him and get down on my knees. I shake him lightly and I see his face scrunch up a bit as he moved his body away from me.

Y/N(whisper): "Come on...Yasushi...Yasushi! Wake up!"

After a bit of struggle, his eyes finally open just a bit and I sigh.

Y/N: "You're still in the gym, you know?"

He grunts, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. He suddenly pauses, looking to his side, then all around, then up at the ceiling.

Yasushi: "You..."

He looks down looking a bit drowsy. I stand up and hold my hand out.

Y/N: "Let's get out of here. The sooner we leave, the sooner you'll be able to go home."

He looks at me a bit defeated as he reaches up, grabbing my hand and I pull him up. I grab the drinks and hand him his jacket. He puts it on and grabs his bag. I hand him one of the drinks and he looks at me, confused.

Y/N: "What? It's not like I poisoned it."

He chuckles, taking the drink. I give him the keys and he locks up and we walk out of school together. Surprisingly, the paths we took were the same for the most part, but we ended up having to go separate ways.

Y/N: "Have a good night, and go to sleep, you'll need it."

I laugh looking at him seem out of it.

Yasushi: "yeah yeah, laugh it up...I will...but next time, I want a rematch."

He says kind of grumbling as he rubs his eyes.

Y/N: "As if I'll let you win."

Yasushi: "I'll accept your challenge. Next time you're free, come to the gym again and make sure to bring your all cause I'm not backing down at all."

I grin and cross my arms.

Y/N: "I bet! I'll see you tomorrow then! You'll get your ass handed to you!"

Yasushi: "Yeah right!"

I laugh and roll my eyes.

Y/N: "And with that, you better get going. You'll need all the energy you can get."

He chuckles and nods.

Yasushi: "See you, Y/N."

We go or separate ways and I couldn't help but smile.

There's no way I just became friends with that asshole...

I laugh and look at the sunset.

I never got to talk to Aone...

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