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The next day comes and surprisingly, things go pretty well with Ichika. I tried to listen to what she did without an attitude or sarcasm and the work seemed to just flow. We got a good amount of work done and when the bell rings I stretch and put my stuff away.

Ichika: "Good w- hmm...thank you for listening today."

I look at her a bit confused and just nod, surprised that she thanked me. I see a slight blush on her cheeks as she walks off and I get up, putting my stuff away. As always, Aone disappeared without me noticing.

I walk out of the classroom and decide I'd just look around. Ciel was absent and I wouldn't be surprised if it's from either pure shock from yesterday or because he doesn't want to be around me or something.

As I walk around the halls, it starts to quiet down. People either just walked around just like me or there was slight chatter from classrooms. I found it calming to be able to look out the windows of a school that I still wasn't too familiar with and just figure out things my own way.

As I passed a room, I heard music. I froze and looked up to the class.

I'm pretty far from my class..

I back up a few steps and look through the little window in the door to see someone — no, two people in the classroom. One was playing the violin while the other spoke to them, most likely giving advice. I was curious, wondering who it was. I leaned a bit closer, squinting since, for some reason the lights were off and the only light came from the windows. The one playing the violin put it down and the two began to speak again.

I sighed, giving up. I walk away from the class and turned back the way I came. I walk slowly this time around, really taking in the view from the windows. The leaves were already turning different colors and I found it beautiful. I lean on the window sill deciding that I wouldn't go to lunch. A few seconds after me standing there, I hear a door open. I look over and was surprised. It was Usoro and a teacher. I stood up and walked away, trying to keep a quick pace.

I didn't know why I freaked out, but I didn't want to stand there. As I turn a corner, I sigh, slowing down and put my head in my hands. I lean on the wall and take off my bag, pulling out my phone and earphones. I plug them in and I put my bag back on. One I stand back up I jump and gasp seeing Usoro standing there.

Y/N: "What the!? Oh..it's you..uh, hi.."

I gulp and press play on my music trying to calm myself down.

Usoro: "Why did you run away like that."

As always, he kept a straight face.

Y/N: "I didn't run..or I didn't mean to — it was just, I was looking around and I was looking out the window and then the door opened and I didn't want be be awkward and stand there so I just left."

Usoro: "Then why were you peering into the class."

My face reddens a bit.

Y/No "I- uh, I heard the violin and I realized that was the music room and so I looked in and there you were playing the violin but at the time I didn't know it was you and I could barely see who you were so I kept looking but I realize how creepy that can come off so I'm sorry.."

The words spill out of my mouth so quick I didn't even know if he could understand. I groan, leaning my head on the wall.

Y/N: "I mean it's not like you were doing something bad...but I guess I know something new about you so..yay.."

I avoid eye contact, scratching at the back of my neck and he just walks away. I was confused on why he'd interrogate me if he'd just walk away. I sigh and slide down the wall and sit on the ground.

This floor is probably so dirty..

I huff and pull out my phone again.

"Just found out Usoro plays violin for real..I accidentally saw him playing and I think he might be upset but I don't know :/"

I sit there, waiting for a response. I hum along to my music and I get a response.

"What? How?? Did you do something to upset him? And are you completely sure you like Aone? I'm sorry but Ive lost sleep over this."

I scoff, shaking my head.

"I mean, maybe I did but I didn't try to. And yes I'm sure! Is it really so crazy that I like him??"

Ciel 🤨:
"I mean, A little?? Like, I can't get what you like but that's you I guess :(;゙゚'ω゚'):"

"What's that supposed to mean?? You know what, never mind. Please try and promise me you won't tell anyone!"

"As I said, if I spill it's not my fault! But I'll try I guess."

I laugh a little and turn off my phone. I get up and make my way down to the last floor, going to the place I ate on the first day. I make my way to the door and when I walk through and freeze when I make eye contact with him.

Aone stops drinking water and bows to me. I hesitantly bow back to him and step out.

Y/N: "Uh...how's training going?"

Though we have spoken multiple times before, I still felt nervous. He looked away, closing his bottle, moving stiffly.

Aone: "It's been...good."

I walked over to the right side, where he was. I look down and see his bag on the floor.

Y/N: "Do you like practicing a lot? I'm not sure if you do this every lunch period but you seem to do it quite a bit."

Aone: "I do."

I nod my head, finding it hard to stop myself from going red and try to make conversation. I wanted to stay away from making this awkward but it seemed to already be that way.

Y/N: "I'm sorry, I'm not great with making conversation.."

He looked a little surprised for a moment but nodded his head. I smile a bit and sit down on the ground taking a deep breath in and out.

Y/N: "It's really nice out today. Do you guys ever practice outside?"

I look over and he sits down on the other side of his bag and I see that he's already tired, probably from practicing before I came and interrupted.

Aone: "Not really. "

I nod and lean back on the metal bar behind me.

Y/N: "Sorry if I interrupted you..oh, by the way, how long have you been interested in volleyball?"

He takes a drink from his bottle again and leans his head back, his breathing finally starting to slow down a little. His eyebrows furrow a bit as he looks around.

Aone: "I few years. I don't know when exactly."

I nod and smile a bit as I look at him looking at the sky. I was glad there was a good breeze recently and it so happened there was a pretty strong one today. The wind blew and he closed his eyes, his breath now completely calm. His short hair was somehow a little messy. It wasn't as fluffy or soft looking, it was a bit clumped together in little areas, most likely from his sweat.

His face was calm, and I couldn't help but appreciate the way he looked. You don't get to see people this calm very often and I found it a little comforting, sitting in silence and being able to relax.

I wish this would last forever...

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