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I take in a deep breath before opening the door and walking down my row and to Aone. My heart raced and him pulling up his shirt flashed in my mind. I suddenly couldn't do it. I went straight to my seat and almost slam my head on my desk.

Y/N!!! Just askkkk, it can't be that harddd...

I put my head down and lay my cheek on my desk. I look up to see Takanobu playing with the zipper of his jacket, looking calm as always. He stared down at his notebook and seemed a bit zoned out.

oh goshhh! Why is my stomach doing the fluttery thing again! Am I getting sick?

Just then, Aone picked up his head and stretched his arms upward, a bit of his stomach being exposed. I go beet red and automatically face the opposite way only to see Ciel looking at me confused. I decide I'd look straight down with my face on the desk.

No no no no- this is so embarrassingggg I want to cryyy I want to disappearrrr- no, Y/N, get it together! Just ask if they have a game...that's it... "Hey, do you have any games coming up?" Just like that...

I pick up my head look over to Aone.

Y/N: "U-uh...pssst...pssssst...pssssssssst!"

Suddenly he looks at me and I automatically go quiet. I was frozen

Y/N: "U-u-uh...I...do you...uh..."

I cover my face with both of my hands.


I try and hold back imaginary tears of shame. I sigh and look back at him to see him looking at me, confused. My face heats up as I stare into his eyes.


Y/N: "D-do you...do you have any games...c-coming up? Ah, wait it's only the second day, y-you probably wouldn't know...s-sorry..."


Aone: "I'll let you know if we have any matches coming up."


You hear that...that's my heART EXPLODING- OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH-

Y/N: "O-oh okay, thank you."

*thump thump thump thump*

AHHHHH YOU DID IT YOU DID IT- wait calm down, your not at home and you can't scream.

*thump thump thump thump*

My heart races as I pull out my note book and open it to a blank page. I smile to myself as I think about the interactions I've had with him. They were all so awkward and uncomfortable but they could be funny to other people. I can't believe the fact that I was even able to recover from the embarrassment.

I play with my pencil and look over to Aone who looked like he was writing even though the teacher wasn't even here yet. Curiosity got the best of me and I tried to make it look like I was stretching as I look at his notebook. I wanted to squeal, to just hug him. He was doodling, drawing little bears and little faces.

I never would have thought he would do that sort of thing...

I watch as he draws effortlessly, making cute little animals. Suddenly the door opens and the teacher walks in. I quickly stop "stretching", focusing my attention back on the teacher, but I hear some snickering beside me. I look to my right and see Ciel trying not to laugh. He looks over at me and hands me a note.

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