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I sigh as I walk down the street, looking around. I was lost. On the fourth day of school, I was about to be late and missing. I groan as I walk around a corner. I see people around my age and so I rush up to them.

Y/N:"Hey, uh, I'm a bit lost. I go to Date Tech High. Is there any way that can help me get there??"

??"Oh, that train right there. You better hurry though, the last call was not too long ago."

Y/N: "Thank you so much!!"

I turn and start to speed walk toward the train and I suddenly hear a 'pshhh' and I bolt. Luckily, last second, I slip through the sliding doors and catch my breath, holding onto the handles at the top of the train as the doors close and the train starts up. I look around and realize most of the seats were filled up except for one area. I lean forward a bit and see a big tall male sitting down, two seats on either sides of him were empty. I was confused and analyzed him, squinting a bit until I suddenly recognized him. It was Aone.

I should've recognized him from his hair and build...But why are the seats near him empty? Why don't the people standing just sit next to him? I'm sure they don't want to stand...I definitely don't...

Before I could even process anything, I found myself walking over to him, grabbing onto a few of the handles on my way over.

Y/N: "U-uh...hi?"

He looks up to me, surprised. A smile, feeling a bit embarrassed suddenly seeing him.

Y/N: "Can I sit next to you? If you don't mind..."

I see his cheeks slightly flush a light pink, making me feel a bit flustered as well. He nods and I sit down a bit closer then I had initially noticed until I noted a slight warmth agains my thigh. I look down and realize I was sitting up against him. My face goes red and I panic internally.

Do I scoot over?? What if he thinks that I'm uncomfortable around him?? What if he thinks that I don't want to be near him but took the seat just because there aren't any others?? What if he doesn't want to be this close?? What if I make him uncomfortable?? It's not that I mind sitting this close anyways...I mean, it's getting a bit windy as of recently...and he's pretty warm...AGHHH Y/N WHAT ARE YOU SAYING!!

I glance up at him and see him looking a bit to the left, his face being more pink them before. I notice him playing with the hem of his jacket and I instantly feel embarrassed. Over a good while, I slowly loosened up even though Aone still felt pretty tense. Every once in a while, the train would stop and I'd lean into Aone even if I tried not too, and I started to notice that he leaned towards me every time, helping us to not lean too much to the side.

I felt a bit tired. The train ride was longer then the other trains I took. The gorgeous sun rise and the warmth from Aone didn't help but only make me feel like I could knock out. I felt myself dozing off every couple minutes and I rub my eyes, trying to stay alert. I notice that Aone was looking at me, and I looked at him, still rubbing my eye. He seemed a bit takes aback from me looking at him, he quickly caught himself.

Aone: "If you want, you can rest until we get to our stop. I'll wake you up."

I blush and smile a bit at him.

Was it that obvious? I hope he doesn't think I was doing it on purpose...

Y/N: "T-Thank you...I'm sorry if I lean on you too much..."

I look down and couldn't stop grinning. Before I knew it, I had my head leaning on his shoulder as I slowly but surely dozed off.

Time Skip - After Mini-Nap

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