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A few days have passed. I've been trying to pay more attention to class since the project assignment was coming up and I needed all the information and help I could get. Today, I sat in my seat, bouncing my leg. Today, we were getting our partners and tomorrow we were going to start working on it.

I bite at my cheek, playing with my pencil. The door opened and the teacher walked in with a few papers in hand.

Teacher: "Alright. These past two weeks. we were working on collecting information, getting a better understanding and going over how this project will work. As I said before, the presentation will not be accepted if it is simply a paper pamphlet of information, a slide show or a document with pictures. I want creativity and physical things that make your project stick out. Now, every one should have a good grasp of what they're going to do so I will now go over the groups. Lucy and Kaneki. Lee and Kiso, ..."

They go on and on with different duos until I heard my name.

Teacher: "Y/N and...oh, for this group, and a few others, there will be three. So it's Y/N, Ichika and Aone. The next group is..."

My heart raced. Not only was I paired up with someone I can barely focus around and makes me nervous but I'm also teamed up with a bratty smart stuck up girl who only cares about herself and her grades. Just great...

Time Skip - A few Minutes Into Class

I sit there awkwardly as Ichika over explains every little thing and plans out everything for us. I was slowly getting irrited by her. I look over to Aone to see if he was uncomfortable, upset, annoyed, sad, something, but he wore the same expression as always. If anything, he seemed a bit more soft in the face.

Is he okay with her doing this? Is he happy to have things planned out for him?? Or rather to be around her? I wish I could understand him just from his face...

Ichika: "Um?? Hello! Are you even listening? I asked you a question!"

I bite my cheek trying to hold back from shutting her up physically. I look at her, making that awkward white person smile.

Y/N: "What was the question again, Ichika?"

She rolls her eyes and slides a paper to me.

Ichika: "Can you this part of the project or not?"

My eyebrow twitches as I clenched my fists trying to just calm myself down.

Y/N: "I actually can. I got in this grade by doing stuff like this."

She suddenly looked a bit shocked.

Ichika: "What? Don't be smart with me!"

Y/N: "I- look, yes I can do it. Happy?"

I take the paper and look at it trying to mentally prepare myself for what I would have to do later on. She then looks at Aone and automatically loses all the attitude.

Ichika: "Okay! Do you want to do this part? If not, that's fine!"

She smiles and he just simply nods, not even looking at her. He grabs the sheet and opens up his binder, clipping it in. She blinked a couple times looking confused.

Ichika: "O-okay..well! Let me get your guys emails."

We both give her our information and after a good while of her over explaining things again, the bell rings and I was quick to get up just grabbing my phone, pencil, notebook and papers and put my bag on, walking out with a headache.

I'm stuck with people who either don't care or give too much of a shit! Are you serious??

Time Skip - Home

I groan flopping onto my bed and close my eyes finally being able to relax. Just then, my phone goes off. I fake cry as I grab my phone and as soon as I see the notification, I wanted to block them.

"Are you going to start your part yet? On the doc it shows you haven't even been on it."

I sigh and put down my phone, rubbing my temples.

I'm going to have to deal with that for a long time...

Y/N: "I just got home. I'll start soon."

I throw my phone on my bed as I get up and walk out of my room going to the kitchen. I open my fridge and pull out hummus from the bottom. I go to a cabinet, pulling out crackers and go back to my room. I kick the door closed and go to my desk, setting my stuff down and sit down, turning on my computer and get on the doc.

I lean over, scrambling for my bag until I get it and pull out the papers I got. I didn't notice it, but she wrote notes on the paper.

Well I guess it's not the worst that she did that..it kind of helps since I wasn't listening.

I read over the notes and go to the doc seeing her type a plan and put pictures for her own part of the project.

Is she planning for the actual poster? I better text her..

I pick up my phone as I open the hummus.

"Hey, quick question, we're on the doc first so we can plan right?"

I tap my finger on my desk as I wait, eating more of my snack until I get a response.


I groan, nodding my head and purse my lips.

I expected her to be a dry texter but jeez..

I put my phone down and reference back to my paper as I try and plan out on a separate paper on the doc. As I go along making my part, I slowly start to zone out, stopping my work and just eating my snack as I watch her type.

Hm..where's Aone?

I grab my phone but then I remember that I didn't exchange emails with him, we both only shared with her.

I was to busy being upset I didn't get his info? Gosh Y/N get it together..

I sigh, just closing out the tab and turned off my computer, laying down on my bed.

I hope this project goes okay..

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