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"Hey-Hey..." A warm hand caresses away the thick strands of hair that were suffocating me.

One that was now placed on my shoulder lightly juddering me. I force my lids apart blinking once allowing more tears to escape.

I roll over to face the ceiling. My face and neck were clammy. Was I crying?

"Mom?" I look for her but there's no one there. Just Scott...

"I'm so-sorry-h. Did I wake you up?" I pull myself up and wipe my tears.

"No, I um-I heard a muffled sound, like someone crying..." He kept his voice low.

"I'm sorry."

"Are you okay Emma?" He asks worried.

"Yes, just a bad dream I guess." I tell him.

He smiles reassuringly and retreats. I glance at the bedside table; the clock read 2:01 AM.  I swing my legs off the bed and sigh. I can't remember what I was dreaming about. Just, that mom was in it.

I needed some air.

I put on a light jacket and head upstairs, to the roof. As I took the stairs, I felt myself remember fractions of my dream. Suddenly, it all came back to me....

I remember I was wrapped in mom's favorite blanket, dressed in her dress and that I was running around some place looking for her. Occasionally pulling her dress closer to my nose and inhaling her scent.

"Mom..." My voice cracks and I instantly cover my mouth and hurry upstairs, through the roof top door and collapse on the first couch my eyes meet.

Sobs escape my wounded chest and I let them all out.

The worst thing about a loved one's death is the sudden realization that hits you several times every now and then, reminding you that this person no longer lives, can't be seen, felt, or even heard.

I cried like there was no tomorrow, until my eyes were dry and itchy. I felt my lids grow heavier and more swollen, my heart colder and smaller, my lungs unsteady and my body a huge liquescent.

I shift onto the beach couch hugging my knees and resting my head on the arm rest. The cool dawn breeze blew softly as if caressing my wilting face.

"You can't sleep here." I was startled by the voice, but my body was too weak to show any signs of reflex.

I opened my eyes and met Luke's frame hovering me.

I inspected his face, it was aggrieved. His nose red and his eyes-

Was he crying?

"Were you crying?" I asked brusquely.

"No." He looked into my eyes for just a second then averted.

"Come on. Go to you room." He added.

"Were you here all along?" I asked embarrassed.

"Yes. Now leave." He gestured a hand towards the door.

I gathered my weak figure and pleaded my joints to hold together and headed for the door.

"I'm sorry for your loss." I hear him say.

I'm not sure if he means my mother or our father, but my eyes start to water again, and so I leave as soon as I can.


My eye lids weighed a ton. My body numb and I'm guessing it's about three in the afternoon.

After so much debate, I trash my legs and push myself forward my eye barely open.

A dip into the steamy hot bathtub of my bathroom seems like an excellent idea, with some vanilla shower cream. Ah, heaven...


"He-Hello?" I pick up my IPhone and grasp at my towel.

"Where have you been?!" Stacey shouts on the phone.

I quickly check the time on the screen. 4:12 PM

"Uh, I over slept. I'm sorry." I answer her, my voice hoarse.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"Super... Don't worry. When do you get back?" I ask.

"In two days. Let's Skype!"

"Uh, I kinda just ran out of the shower. Let me get dressed and I'll get back to you." I wait for her to reply.

"Alright hurry!" She says and I hang up and run back to rinse myself.

After getting out of the shower and into a black romper, I tie my hair in a messy updo and leave my room. I need food in my system.

As I descend the stairs, I hear fractions of a conversation going on in the kitchen. I'm guessing Erik and that friend whom he said was coming.

My god.....
Now he... 
Looked like my next mistake.

I run back upstairs before any of them catch sight of me. I comb my hair and dry its dampness out. Put on mascara and EOS balm.

I smooth my romper and replace my white slippers with better sandals and head back downstairs.

I step into the kitchen and his eyes instantly land on me.

"Umm, You're hot!"

Was what I did not say.

"Umm Erik?"

What I actually said...

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