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He grabs a clean towel and wraps it gently around my knee and then he holds out his jacket for me. I put my hands through its sleeves; he buckles it for me and then stands beside me.

"Would you stop crying?" He hisses irritated and I realize I was still sobbing from physical and mental pain...

"Can you walk?" He asks. I try to move my leg but I'm afraid.


He gently scoops me up into his arms at an instant, taking us both out of the room and into the elevator.

"I can stand..." I whisper when we enter the elevator. I don't want him carrying me for seven floor descends.

"It's okay." He says looking straightforward.

It's the first time I've inspected him this closely. His heartbeats are crazy fast. How does he still look so composed and calm?

The elevator door opens and all eyes land on us. I avoid their stares and devote my eyes to the towel on my knee, the blood stain growing by the moment.

When we reach the car, he cautiously places me on the car seat and asks me to keep my knee unbent.

"Aren't the streets blocked?" I ask him as he starts the car.

"No not this way." He points ahead of us and starts on the road.

"There's a clinic nearby." He speaks.

He drives in silence and I do not bother speaking. I've put my body through enough for the night.

"There..." He takes a right towards the parking of a little clinic.

He parks, then steps out of the car walking to my side.

"I think I can walk." I say before he scoops me up again.

"I know you can." He says and I'm scooped without a say-so...

I'm on a white bed in the emergency room, curtains closed around me. Luke's not around and the nurse went to call the doctor.

A young doctor steps in.

"Hello, Miss Emma. What do we have here?" He approaches my leg, cautiously checking my knee.

"Nothing serious I suppose. How long has it been bleeding?" He asks.

"For some time now." I answer.

"Check her blood pressure please." He addresses the nurse.


"All done?" Luke returns.

"Finally, I've been lying here for an hour." I swing my legs off of the bed and try to cautiously step on both my feet.

My knee was now firmly wrapped and the sting gradually ceased.

"What did the doctor say?" He asks.

"Nothing serious, he just sutured the wound." I answer him. He offers me a hand and I take it.

I walk croakily out of the hospital and towards the car.

The silence stretches as the times passes.

Him driving...

Me avoiding him and gazing at a distance.

"What do you want?" He eventually speaks. I turn to make sure he was talking to me. Surprisingly, he was...

"What do you mean?" I ask and turn to look out of the window.

"I don't understand, you don't want the money, and you don't want your share, what exactly is it that you want? I'll give it to you!" He says.

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