Fifty Five

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"Thank you." She smiles adorably.

I take the glass back and place it on the bedside table.

I seat myself by her side, facing her.

Masked by my own jumbled thoughts.

"What is it?" She utters.

"Your voice is coming back..." I smile at her.

She coughs.

"I guess so..." She smiles back her voice clearer now.

She straightens, inching closer to me.

"You've got something on your mind. Speak to me." She inspects me and I gulp, feeling exposed...

What I wanted to say;

"Emma, do you love me enough? Are you going to hold on to me? Are you ever going to leave me?!"

What I actually said;

"I've got you all over my mind..." I pinch her nose causing her to grin.

"Is it pleasant?" She asks and it was my turn to chuckle.

"Very..." I smile genuinely.

"Sleep..." I say before stretching beside her and taking her under one arm.

She shifts closer nuzzling me, providing me with the right peace of heart...

Only, the peace of mind was still missing...


I jolt awake calling Emma's name.

The bed was clear... She wasn't by my side.

A ridiculous thought crosses my mind that maybe she left me...

I head to the bathroom drenched in my own sweat. My body ached all over.

It's like I've been beaten while asleep.

When I glance at my reflection in the mirror I don't parade any signs of shock...

My eyes were bloodshot, restless, and irritated.

I wash up hastily and get dressed for work.

I leave my room hoping I would not bump into Emma.

I needed some time to think. Away from her...

One thought revolved around resenting Erik...

An arrow that was meant for me had missed me, why pick it up again and stab me with it?

Another thought drove me insane, both physically and mentally. That thought of Emma leaving me. Giving up on me...

My mind has already started to digest that possibility.

For once, I was frightened... So unprepared for another fatal detachment.

My phone rings saving me from the thoughts that could put an end to me.

I instantly silence it the moment I read Emma's name on the Screen.

I head for the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Erik startles me.

Where the fuck does he keep popping up from?!

"To work..." I pause before the door.

"Aren't you going to wait for Emma?" He asks.

"Micah will pick her up, I'm late for an important meeting..." I say and swing the front door open.

Reaching for my car in haste.

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