Chapter Three

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~Killua's POV~

I grabbed Ayano's hand. It gave me a warm feeling. Almost like I could hug her right on the spot, but what kind of creep does that?

I guided her into the room where Gon and Netero was. I let go of Ayano's hand. Then a sudden cold feeling hit me hard. The warmth left. I sighed without anyone noticing. I was first to steal the ball from the old man.

I used one of the assassination techniques I learnt before, then jumped to get the ball. The old man dodged it and I attacked again and again, with the old man dodging agagin and again.

"Tag!" Gon yelled. I walled over and tagged him, trading places.

Gon ran directly at him then suddenly jumped up. That friggin old man was off guard for a second until Gon bumped his head into the ceiling.

"Baka! You know you're not outside so you can't jump as high!" I yelled in frustration.

~Ayano's POV~

I spaced out again. Longer than usual. Then without noticing, my eyes turned purple. I stood up and stared at the boys.

"I would like to try." I said as Gon and Killua looked at me, then backed off.

Netero-san was enjoying himself there. I looked up at him. With incredible speed, I was right beside him and tried grabbing the ball. Netero-san dodged it and slipped under me and flipped me to the ground. I landed on my feet. My eyes narrowed. I looked at him as he taunted me by playing aroumd with the ball. I stood up and smiled.

"Well, you seem like you're enjoying yourself. Why not use your right arm and left leg, while you're at it." I said. My killer aura was spreading.

"Hm..." Netero-san stopped playing with the ball and looked back at me curiously.

I walked towards him then stopped right before I was close enough the get the ball. My eyes glowed and even brighter purple. I jumped up and landed on the ground. Netero-san was no longer holding the ball.

"Ah?!" Netero-san said surprised. "I-I guess I'll have to pass you?"

"No thanks, I'd like to do the exams." I replied to him walking towards Gon and Killua.

"Whoa! How'd you do that!?" Gon asked me.

"Baka, it was her eyes." Killua said to him.

"Yes, but how I got it was I jumped and grabbed it as fast as I can. My glowing eyes caught him off guard." I explained showing them how violet my eyes were.

"So your eyes have a power?" Killua and Gon asked at the same time.

"Um... I'll figure it out soon." I said then I was starting to walk closer to them then I fainted.

~Killua's POV~

Ayano suddenly collapsed right in front of us.

"A-Ayano!?" Gon shouted.

"Hey! What happened?!" I asked her. It seems that she's unconscious.

"It looks like it has to do with her eyes." The old man told us.

I opened one of hey eyes. They were turning green again. I don't get it. Before, they turned violet then it turns green without any harm done, then why now she faints when it turns green?I sighed and carried her bridal style.

"Hey Gon, let's go find a place where Ayano can rest." I told him as he nodded.

"Make sure your girlfriend isn't hurt because I'd love to play with her again!~" That friggin old man cooed at me.

"She's not my girlfriend!" I yelled back.

We walked out of the room to look for a place that Ayano can rest in.

"Hey Killua," Gon looked at me with this creepy smirk. "Do like Ayano?~"

"Wha--?" I blushed furiously. "N-No! What kind of question is that?!"

"Mito-san said that if you react weirdly to that kind of question, it means you like her." Gon stated.

"What?" This is the first time I can't get myself out of a situation.

"I think she likes you too." Gon said to me.

"I bet you that's not true." I said confidently.

"I bet that you're wrong." Gon smirked.

"Killua..." I heard Ayano talk in her sleep.

"I won the bet." Gon said proudly.

"Shut up." I said, blushing again.

Consequences of Assassins ((Killua x OC))Where stories live. Discover now