Chapter Nine

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Hey guys!!! Anyway, just saying, Killua may or may not act a bit different here, because Ayano is in the story... So........ Yeah...



~Ayano's POV~

Netero-san explained everything that happened.

"I want to be friends with Gon and Ayano!"

That voice recalled in my mind repeatively for about 30 minutes.

It was after we got our Hunter license and we were outside of the building. Gon had broken Illumi's arm before, which showed his strength.

"Ayano!" Gon called me, along with Leorio and Kurapika. "Let's go get Killua back!"

"Sorry, Gon," I said. "I have some... Things I need to take care of..."

I walked away trying to gold back the tears in my eyes.

"Ayano..." Gon said. "D-Don't worry! We''ll get Killua back! So don't cry!" He screamed while running towards me and hugging me.

I pushed him back with my head down. My hands were on both of his shoulders. I looked up at him with a bright smile, with some tears hanging of the bottom of my eyes.

"Promise me, okay?" I smiled.

"Yeah! It's a promise!"

---Timeskip---a few days later after Gon, Kurapika and Leorio opened the gate---

~Gon's POV~

We finaly opened the gate and met a nice girl there. We also met Killua's mom. She really mean!! We entered Killua's mansion and had to play a game with Gotoh in order to see Killua.

The game was almost done, when...

"What's taking them so long?"

"Killua!!" I exclaimed.

"Gon!" Killua said excitedly. "Kurapika and Leorio too!"

That's it! We successfully saved Killua!! And plus, Gotoh-san showed me this weird coin trick... I fell for it amd Kurapika and Killua already knew the trick. Hisoka was going to be at YorkNew city at September 1st, so the four of us parted ways then.
~Killua's POV~

"No! We're going to Heaven's Arena!" I said to Gon. "We'll be training there,"

I explained this whole strength chart on the ground, showing how strong Hisoka is, compared to him and me.

"Killua, what about Ayano?" Gon asked me.

"Ayano?" I tried recalling all my memories with her. Then I mumbled. "Hey eyes..."

"Huh?" Gon grabbed my attention. "Do you know where she is on the chart?"

"Yeah, actually." I walked over to where Hisoka's drawn head was. "Right here,"

"Whoa! Ayano is that strong??" Gon a was shocked.

"Yep! Stronger than Hisoka!" I exclaimed. "But, it's only by very little."

~Ayano's POV~

"Heaven's Arena, huh," I walked up to the tall building. "Who knew that I'd come back here,"

"Ayano! Hurry up and register! You don't know when they'll get here!"

I focused my attention to the man with dark hair, with glasses and a dress shirt that wasn't tucked in right.

"I'll be right there, Wing-sensei!" I called to him.

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