Chapter Fifteen

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Does anyone know who Dan and Phil is?? BECAUSE I WANT THEIR BOOK SO BADLY!!!!! Anyway, enjoy the next chapter!!!

~Killua's POV~

Hisoka had just punched Ayano with an infused fist, which sent her flying to the edge if the rink, barely falling of. Then, she suddenly got up and showed a deadly amount of nen, which knocked Hisoka out cold. But when he was lying on the ground, he had something in his hand.

"The Floral Angel has done it! She has defeated the great Magician!" The announcer had said. "Let's see her reaction up close!"

On the screen, Ayano had bee shown on close up, but her reaction was very shocking to everyone. She was crying?

"Th-The Floral Angel has... Bursted out with tears... Of joy!?" The announcer said hesitantly. The audience had a reaction of disbelief.

"Killua," Gon signalled to me.

"Yeah," I said as we both got up from our seats.

"Hey, be careful around her from now on." Wing-san told us before we left. Gon and I nodded. "Especially you, Killua."

"R-Right..." I stuttered before chasing after Gon.

~Ayano's POV~

'I'll take care of it...'

"No! Don't!" I pleaded to the voice.

'Then you will do it.'

"Fine..." I said unwillingly.

'Now, awaken.'

I suddenly opened my eyes to find myself in the center of the arena. I saw Hisoka out cold on the ground. I could see the people that worked at the arena surrounding the stage. I could hear the crowd, the announcer. I could feel the very slight breeze that blew on my face whenever someone opened the door, the falling tears and the dried up tears on my face. I could taste my own mouth, searching for water. I could smell sweat and blood everywhere. Injuries everywhere. I had control over my body again.


I turned around to find Killua and Gon running towards me.

"Killua..." I mumbled under my breath.

'Do it.'

The voice in my head was beginning to take over me.

"Not yet." I said to myself. Killua and Gon have reached me and asked if I was okay. I nodded my head, still feeling tears run down my face.

"You're still crying." Gon pointed out.

"It doesn't seem like you're okay." Killua said to me.

"S-sorry, it's just... Something came up." I said quietly as I wiped my face. "I'm fine, really. But it was just... I was... Just thinking about some things."

"You were pretty aggressive in your battle there, though. It was really something worth watching!" Gon exclaimed.

"Come on. We'll take you to you're room." Killua said.

We went back to my room. I went to the kitchen to cook some food and Killua and Gon sat on the high chairs where my kitchen counter was.

"So, did you guys want anything?" I asked them, with a calm voice while picking up a pan and placing it on the stove.

"Ayano, you haven't told us why you were spacing out." Gon started.

"And we saw that you're not doing it much anymore." Killua finished.

"I see..." I whispered to myself. I grabbed a knife and some vegetables and started to cut them up. "So you guys want to know more about my eyes?"

"Yeah..." The said hesitantly.

"Alright then." I said then I put the knife quietly down in front of me. "I've used my eyes too many times in order to survive." I looked at Killua. "Way too many times."

"What happens when you use it too much?" Gon asked.

"It starts to know you better." I looked at Gon. "It sounds positive, but it's not. It discovers your weaknesses and uses it against you to tries to take over you."

"Why would it take over you?" Killua asked concerned.

"The... Other person... We both don't get along very well." I started. "Instead of both of us sharing the same body, it's trying to remove this girl named Ayano." I smiled, trying to ease the tension about the serious topic a bit.

"So... You're spacing out... Because your powers are trying to fight its way out?" Gon clarified.

"Basically," I replied and picked the knife up. I began to finish cutting up the vegetables.

"Ayano, you're not finished." Killua interrupted.

"I know," I said and put the vegetables in the pan. I turned back to the kitchen counter, holding the knife in my right hand. "Why I stopped spacing out?"

"Yeah..." Killua said.

"It's attempting a different approach." I said. I walked around the counter and was now right beside Killua.

"What kind of approach?" Gon asked.

"One that could avenge my parents' death." I said while looking at Killua.

"You know something." Killua said. The tension in the room began to rise.

"You killed them, didn't you?" I wanted to be sure.

"Gon, let's go." Killua said and left the kitchen with Gon following him from behind. Gon reached the door first and accidentally closed it before Killua could walk through. Right when Killua was about to turn the doorknob;


(N/A: sorry, I can't think of good words right now.)

Killua stopped in his tracks. There was a knife just a few millimeters beside his head, and just sliced a few strings of his hair. He turned around and faced me.

"Why..." I was looking down, my bangs covering my eyes. Some tears were visibly streaming down my face and fell hard onto the floor. "Out of all people... Why you!?" I fell to my knees and started to cry even harder.

"I'm sorry, Ayano." He said and opened the door and left.

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