2013: Part 2

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Jasmine really didn't feel comfortable at all....yes she performs on stage for living but that's different...she's not herself when she performs....she can hide in the costumes and the makeup.

"Jaz are you ok?" Mariella asked from the seat next to Jasmine.

"Huh...oh...I...uh yes...I just need air!" Jasmine got up and walked out of the tent.

Jasmine had never felt so claustrophobic in her life, she hates that everyone knew who she was and she didn't know who they were. Jasmine felt her breath getting erratic, her body was shaking and her vision was fuzzy.

"You a'right here Jaz!" A low voice snapped her out of her train of thought.

"Huh.....Oh....er...I....I think so?!" Jasmine stuttered before turning to face....Alex breathing out smoke.

"You sure...you only stutter when you're nervous!" Alex turned to face her and realised she was having a panic attack, "Jasmine...what's wrong?!" Alex went into panic mode.

"I.....can you go get Mariella....sh....she has m...my...b..bag!" Jasmine was struggling to get a sentence out. Alex threw his cigarette on the floor and bolted back inside only to return less than a minute later with Mariella and Luke close behind.

"Jazzy breathe!" Luke grabbed her arms and helped lower her to the ground, "In through your nose out through your mouth!" Jasmine looked over at Mariella who was rifling through Jasmine's bag.

"Shit...Shit...Shit....Jasmine you left your pills in the hotel!" Mariella panicked causing Jasmine to panic more.

"Jasmine breathe...don't think about it ok.....think about fuckin' rainbows if you need to...just think about somethin' other than this!" Luke was trying his hardest to stay calm. You see Jasmine hasn't had a panic attack for years...I would say about four years, the fact Mariella and Luke were panicking didn't help it's just they haven't had to help her in so long.

"Mariella can you please explain what's happenin'!" Alex's voice finally spoke up.

"What the fuck do you think is going on!?" Mariella sneered at him.

"I know she's havin' a panic attack i'm not stupid! I just need you to tell me what triggered it!" Alex sounded pretty panicked as well.

"Probably stress....not forgetting she hasn't actually seen any of you for nine years....it's a lot to handle you know!" Mariella was still sneering at Alex.

"I'm going to leave you guys because you know what you're doing!" Alex stated.

"Yes please!" Mariella's face the same as it has been for the last minute or so. Alex walked back inside leaving Jasmine with Luke and Mariella.

Jasmine still hadn't calmed down...if anything she had gotten worse.

"W...What's happening to me....a....m...am...am..I dying.....Luke wha...what's happening!" Jasmine was crying hysterically and her breathing was getting more erratic by the second.

"Shhh, calm down Jazzy..you're safe ok...nothin' is gunna hurt ya!" Luke was holding Jasmine, hugging her and rocking her whilst Mariella was kneeling in front holding her hands and rubbing her thumbs over Jasmine's knuckles.

"I'm s....so...s...s...sorry!" Jasmine was still crying and still struggling to breathe.

"It's ok Jaz...but you need to remember your pills or stuff like this will happen!" Mariella spoke as calmly as she could.

"I...I know!" Jasmine leant back into Luke trying to calm down.

"Is everything ok out here?!" Alex came out about ten minutes later, just as Jasmine started to calm down.

"Yes thank you Al!" Luke responded, still rocking Jasmine who was staring at nothing focusing on her breathing.

"If you want....I can take her back to mine and Matt's now so you guys can stay here!" Alex offered.

"No...No it's ok...we should probably get her back ourselves....she needs to take her pills or it's just going to get worse!" Mariella stated, "Thanks for the offer though!" Mariella smiled at Alex because she knew he was only trying to help.

"N..No...I want to spend time with Alex and Matt....i've not seen them for nine years!" Jasmine spoke up, "I can go get my stuff from the hotel!"

"No Jaz you need sleep..not staying up all night!" Luke mumbled.

"They're right Jaz...you should go back to your hotel...this won't be the last time you see us...and there's no way the three of us are going nine years again!" Alex spoke softly, "I'll go get Matt so you can say goodbye!" Alex walked back inside.

"Come on strawberry up we get!" Mariella grabbed Jasmine's hands and helped her stand up before grabbing their bags from the floor and started walking away from the tent and met Tom around the corner.

"Jammy!" Matt ran after them and hugged Jasmine. "Please tell me I can see you before we go on tour!"

"Yes we can...and I might even come and see you live!" Jasmine laughed a little.

"Thank god!" Matt let Jasmine go, "I will see you soon!" Jasmine, Luke, Tom and Mariella walked back to the car and drove back to the hotel.

For the first time in years, despite the fact she had a panic attack, he fell asleep with a smile on her face. 

~This is a shorter chapter...more of a filler really but it's more a chapter to focus on the fact that Jasmine struggles with anxiety and that she finds it hard to deal with stress and large amounts of people. Carry on reading to find out what happens next. Amber x~

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