2016- 2017 : Part 12

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"Alex....!" She looked at me and she looked confused....and she looked concentrated on something.

"Jasmine...I love you...I have always loved you...I don't think I will ever stop loving you!" I blurted..I didn't care if I had a girlfriend...Jasmine is the only love in my life.... I just want her to realise that.

"Alex....I'm sorry....I'm sorry it took me so long to realise that...but I always loved you too...I still do...!" She rushed out.

Next thing I know we both launched ourselves at each other and crashed our lips together not caring that just below us in the living room my girlfriend was sitting on her own. We both slowly walked over to the door and Jasmine fumbled with the lock on the door before we walked to the bed, not once letting each other go.

***I hate myself for this...

I lowered her onto the bed, pulling her shirt over her head and pulling the hair tie out of her hair. Jasmine started tugging on my pyjamas and I let her....I wasn't letting go of her...not this time.

"Are you sure about this?" I mumbled into her neck.

"Yes...I need this...I need you!" She sighed, holding onto my hair whilst wrapping her legs around my waist. I moved down her neck lower and lower and started kissing her abdomen causing her to quietly sigh in satisfaction.

***nope nope nope i'm done

"I can't believe that happened!" Jasmine was panting next to me.

"I've waited so long to do that...I have no idea how you stayed so quiet!" I chuckled.

"I don't know either!" Jasmine nuzzled her nose into the nape of my neck, I was holding her tightly stroking her back.

"I should go!" I muttered, "But I really don't want to!" I smiled at her.

"No, I know...I get it...you should go...pretend I went to sleep and I asked you to stay with me...that's why you were here for a while. No-one will suspect anything!" She mumbled.

"Smart brain ya got there!" I mumbled in response before kissing her head and putting my clothes back on. I rushed over and kissed Jasmine, "I will be back later tonight....Promise!" I waited until Jasmine was dressed and back in the bed before leaving the room.

"There ya are!!!!! Is she ok?" My dad's voice spoke from the living room.

"No...not really!" I mumbled.

"What took you so long!" Taylor groaned from the other side of the room.

"She was falling asleep and wanted me to stay until she was asleep...and she's like my sister so I was doing the brotherly thing and making sure she was ok...tha knows?" I reassured Taylor before sitting next to her and stroked her back just like I did with Jasmine minutes before but sitting like this didn't feel right... not like it did with Jaz. I couldn't help but laugh at what I said...'the brotherly thing'...after I thought of that all I had going around my head was Miles saying 'Do you bum?' That fucking Face Culture interview still has me in stitches. Speaking of Miles....I haven't spoken to him in a while...and I probably should...and tell him what happened...with Jaz and all that.

Jasmine's POV

When he left I kept tracing my neck where he kissed it finding myself actually starting to doze off and fall into a fairly deep sleep.

"Jasmine, wake up!" I heard a female's voice wake me from my sleep.

"What Bre?" I whined half asleep.

'It wasn't all that you thought it was!' ~ Alex Turner FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now