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"Hannah! Get Aaliyah out of here!" King Arthur yelled to me from the hallway. I looked outside to see darkness creeping in. He's here. I grabbed my cloak and her giftd from the Centaurs. I went down the stairs and headed the stables. The darkness started to suck all the light from the world and I hid the gifts in the bushes near Centaur town. Hope she will find in.

I clicked my tongue and rode off for miles. Yells behind me indicated they were following me. I had to get to the wall quick and keep my dear Aaliyah safe. She was going to be the only one with the blue streak left. I stopped and touched the wall. I walked through it and Earth stood before me in their nighttime hours. The house right against the forest was the best bet and I headed up the door. I put Aaliyah on the mat and kissed her forehead.

"You'll do amazing my sweet daughter." I whispered. I stood up and knocked. Running around the corner, I prayed that these would be the perfect parents. I peeked from around the house to see a couple in their pajamas.

The woman was about 5'7" and her chocolate brown hair went to her breasts. From the glint of her eyes were brown and she picked up my daughter with a smile on her face. Her pajamas had strawberries on it and I thought was really fun.

The man was taller than her and had glasses. He had black hair and blue eyes. He had a smile on his face as well and his hands touched her head. I sighed and prayed as I walked back to the wall. I stood face to face with soldiers and their leader.

"Arrest her. Her and her husband will be executed in the morning." He said. I looked back and smiled. She will be the savior of the land.

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