Chapter Ten

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Clovis sat quietly in amusement as I freaked out quietly. I smiled so wildly, it could of creep out anyone.

"What's the matter?" A voice said above. I looked up and saw Loki rolling his eyes.

"I'll tell you if you get us up." I said. He sighed and left for a moment. I thought he wasn't going to come back until a think vine dropped down.

"How will I get up?" Clovis wondered.

"Hold on." I said, starting to climb the vine. It was a lot of work but Loki helped me keep my balance. I looked at the ground below and Clovis sat still. I stomped my foot down and the ground shook. I did a hand motion that looked like I was intensely scooping something up and the platform that Clovis was on, came closer. Loki smiled and once Clovis was level, he stepped foward.

"May I continue the journey with you?" He wondered. I nodded and patted his head.

"So what's up?" Loki wondered. I breathed and looked at him.

"You can't destroy the light sword yet." I told him. He chuckled and Clovis smirked.

"Your joking, right?" He smiled. My face kept completely serious and I leaned to one leg, crossing my arms. He stopped laughing and he gulped.

"I'm serious." I snapped. He sighed and waved his hand for me to continue.

"I understand what Zapian is doing. Even though, it's not Zapian." I ran my hand through my hair. He raised an eyebrow and all at once, the dome broke and shadows of darkness came in our forms.

"Now, this is a show I have to watch." Zapian said up in a tree. I glared and threw my dagger at his wrist, sticking in his sleeve, keeping him where I wanted. He gasped and Dark Aaliyah started toward me. Loki groaned and we backed into each other.

"Have a plan?" I asked.

"No. I thought you would have had a plan." He said. I sighed and hooked arms with him.

"What in the world are you doing?" He snickered. Dark Aaliyah threw her dagger at me and I pushed off the ground, putting my weight on Loki and caught the dagger in between my feet. I kicked it toward Zapian and he ducked.

"I'll be fine. I'm going to find somewhere safe for the night." Clovis yelled as he ran off. I nodded and unhooked arms with Loki. I zigzagged by my dark self and kicked off the tree trunk, flipped over Zapian's head and kicked him in the back to fall of the branch. I wanted him to follow.

My mind got curious to see what these boots could do. I know that Tolken never said anything about them but there were two buttons and they made me feel like they need to be used.

I pressed one and they turned into skates. I smiled and used the water I had and spread it out like a sheet of ice. I stepped on the ice and skated all the way till I was tripped by my evil dark self. I pressed the other button and I landed on my feet. Spikes came out to stop me from falling on my face. Stars started appearing and she left to the skies.

There was no sign of Zapian and Loki came through the trees.

"Brilliant. But next time, don't use me as a kick off thing." He said. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Let's just find Clovis. We need the rest." I said. We walked for awhile and it was silent between us.

"Can you explain what you said before we were attacked in the dark?" He wondered. I sighed and held up a finger.

"I will when we are with Clovis." I said. He groaned and watched me. It made me uncomfortable but he touched the clothe.

"Nice material. I have never seen this." He sighed in admiration.

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