Chapter 16

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Many days after, I went to the border. I knew I was going to be in super big trouble but I was willing to make that risk. Tolken was going wait for me as I went to see my family. I went to the front door and knocked. My parents and my brother's answered.

"Let me explain." I said but couldn't go on. My mother engulfed me in a hug and I smiled.

"We knew from the start who you were. Your mother left us a note with you. I knew someday you would head into the woods to reclaim what was yours." She said. I breathed and Tolken came around the corner.

"My lady, you must get back. Loki is getting impatient." He said. I smiled and looked at my family's reactions. They were in shock.

"I will visit as much as possible but I must stay within Loki's grasp just in case." I said. They nodded and I headed down to Tolken. We headed back in and I turned to see them before the door closed. I turned to Loki and smiled.

"Let's go see if the crystal castle will open." I said, grabbing his hand. We ran to the crystal castle and Tolken followed. I was really excited and nervous about the whole thing.

What if it won't open? How do I open it? What is it like? Is it fragile?

All those questions ran through my head like a hurricane and we came to foot of the castle.

"There's the lock." Loki pointed out to me. I breathed and headed to it. I saw the system and a flash came to me. A vision of Osias.

I, Osias, put my hand on the farthest right and pushed and turned my hand 90° to the left. It will take part of your blood and then open.

I walked to the farthest right and did what I saw. I felt a prick and the doors opened. My eyes widened at the sight of how incredibly big the place was. Loki and Tolken came on either side of me.

"Welcome home." Loki smiled.

"Who is there?" A voice said in the room to my right. I saw a figure come closer and as soon as the figure came around, I noticed the highlight in her hair.

"No way." She said. I was thinking the same thing. She looked older than me, about 25 and she had brown hair with a purplish blue highlight.

"Hey. Um, who are you?" I wondered.

"I am Spark. My powers are lightning and thunder." She smiled, coming close to me.

"So a storm Stargazer?" I wondered.

"Sure am. I hid in here for safe keeping when Loki came down to kill us. I knew he could never get in here if killed all the Stargazers. I have been waiting for you to come, Stargazer." She said.

"Call me Aaliyah." I smiled. She nodded and touched my hair. Loki watched in amusement and Spark smiled.

"So what happened to Zapian?" She wondered.

"He died after his dark spirit came out of him. He lived as long as Osias did." I replied.

"Well, longer since Osias was killed early in his life." She corrected. I nodded and she grabbed my arm. She dragged me to a room and I didn't know what room it was till I saw the chair. A golden chair with blue velvet cushions.

"Is that mine?" I wondered.

"Sure is. All of this is yours." She said. I went to the throne and Loki followed. I sat down and Loki smiled. That was the moment I knew everything was going to be perfect and nothing bad was going to happen.

A/N: Well that's the end of this one! A sequal will be coming and the Prequal "The Beginning of the Stargazers" are up. Thanks for reading.

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