Chapter 14

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As the days went on, I took in every advice that the journal gave me and as the training went on, I became a fully realized Stargazer. Thor had the army with him and ready two days before the battle. But the night of the first battle was the worst for me.

I washed myself as the army was sleeping and I healed the cut on my arm. I dressed in my nightgown and Candy came to me.

"Ready for tomorrow?" She wondered. I shrugged and knew it was going to be terrifying for me.

"I have never been in battle before. What does death feel like, you think?" I wondered.

"Well from experience, you don't feel a thing. Just like your falling asleep. But you shouldn't worry that much." She smiled.

"Okay fine. I will see you tomorrow." I went into my tent and fell asleep.


In the morning, I heard many people getting ready to march on the battlefield. I heard last minute changes to swords and the smell molten metal came in my nostrils. I got into my outfit and left the skirt and chain out of it. I french braided my hair and grabbed my swords. As I walked out, everything seemed to come to silence and I smiled.

"Your highness, we will be ready to go in a few minutes. Candy and the other two that will not be touched has made camp already by the field." Thor informed.

"I think I can handle it from here, thank you but I don't need your assistance. With too much power could bring unfairness." I said.

"I understand. My warriors will gladly give you assistance though. I will leave you and wish you luck." He hugged me and I sighed.

"Thank you." I replied. He smiled and backed up to be sucked up by the Bifrost.

"Tolken." I said. He turned to me and I looked at him.

"Your job is risky. The last piece of light that Loki has hidden is somewhere. Trick the other messanger to give you the information on the whereabouts of that light is. That will help us win it faster." I told him.

"Of course. I suggest you call the wolves." He said.

"Will do on the way there." I replied. He nodded and I waited for the army to be ready. I could distinctly see the different type of armies. Asgard was gold and Vanahiem was in silver. Alfhiem was in white to represent light and the others were animals and people from here. The warriors of Thor came to me in their gear and I smiled.

"I am Lady Sif and this is Hogan, Fandral, and Volstagg. It is an honor to fight with you." She said.

"Likewise. Is the army ready?" I wondered. She nodded and I waved them away. I turned into my wolf form and Tolken told everyone to plug their ears. I breathed and howled. When I stopped, there were howls in reply and I turned to my human form. I waited for a few minutes and about 100 wolves came into view. I looked back at Tolken and he gaped.

"I don't think we will be outnumbered." I smirked. Alpha came up to me and I smiled.

"I want you positioned in front with about a third of these wolves. Then another third in the middle and the rest in the back. Don't hurt my army okay?" I instructed. He nodded and went to sort out the wolves. It didn't take long and as they positioned themselves, Tolken came to me.

"I thought you only knew one pack?" He said.

"I did but all of the wolves are loyal to me." I replied. Alpha came to me and nodded.

"Let's go." I yelled to the army. We started walking and I knew it wasn't going to take as long and as soon as I saw Candy, I knew we were only a few minutes from stepping out to meet our fate. And once we did, Loki and his army was indeed bigger than ours. I gulped and told them to stop at a point as I kept walking to the middle. Loki met me in the middle and I sighed.

"Couldn't do any better?" He smirked.

"But I am with them. I think they will be fine." I replied.

"We will take nights to rest, right?" He wondered.

"If someone retreats." I replied. He nodded and he handed me a piece of paper.

"If you make it." He said. I put it in my pocket and turned on my heels to head back to my army. I stood on the rock and looked at them. Loki's army charged first and I waited. Tolken looked at me and I put up my hand.

"Charge!" I yelled and my army passed by the rock I was standing on. I jumped down, making the ground rumble and someone was thrown in Loki's army. I smiled and made my way to the front. It was a scary position to be in.

I waved my hand over the grass and splashed some water on the dwarves. I breathed and it froze on them. I would of used light if there was any but I can't. A Jotun lunged at me when I turned around and he pinned me to the ground. I gulped and dodged his iced over hand. I touched his shoulders, burning them with my fire and kicked him off as soon as he was dead.

I knew I couldn't get injured so I had to be careful. But I had to get out of this alive. I remembered what I told Tolken and tried to find him. When I did, I had an idea. I headed over to him and got on his back.

"We have to sneak into camp. I will get us there safely." I replied. He nodded and he rode off. I used either water or air to get us past everyone and I heard Loki yelled behind us. Tolken picked up speed and we found their camp.

I got off and let him go find the information on where the last light is. About ten guys came into view and I laughed on the inside. He thinks ten guys can kill me.

"It's sweet how he thinks he can send ten guys and that those guys can kill me." I sighed. They charged and I stood there patiently. I held my hand out and threw ice daggers into one guy, made a guy trip on his two feet by switching the legs into stubs with DNA and used Earth to take out the rest. The screams were deafening. I probably will not forget them.

"Hey, I need your...assistance." Tolken looked at the ten dead guys and I nodded, heading toward him. We got to camp and I saw what he needee assistance with. There were men that were really scary. Like Demons.

"Okay, how do you want to go about this?" I wondered.

"If you are willing, you be the bait as I head for the information." He said. I breathed and nodded. I jumped from our hiding spot in the bushes and was immediately surrounded by the Demons.

"Hey guys." I giggled nervously. The grabbed me and I screamed. It was all part of my plan. When I saw Tolken run off, I whipped my head back as one tried to stab my neck. I was let go and ran off before they could get me. I saw the field with many of our men, dropped to the ground. I gulped and screamed really loud to let the sound waves knock out Loki's army. They all dropped to the ground and I told the rest of my army to get the wounded to Candy. It took seconds and it was night before I heard Loki's army wake up and head back to camp.

"Let me help." I said, pressing my hand on a man's wound to heal. Time for the planning to get this over as soon as possible.

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