Chapter Eight

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As soon as we passed the crystal castle, I knew what he was talking about. The village was dirty and people were out on the streets. Their faces had smudges of dirt on their cheeks and they were skinny.

"This is your fault." I turned my attention to Loki.

"How is it my fault?" He snapped.

"Your kingdom is the world kingdom. This is just a clan." I retorted.

"Whatever." He mumbled. I glared and dismounted my horse. I headed up to the doors of the castle but Loki was already there. Damn his powers. I went into a sprint and he was already inside. I slipped by the guards and came beside him.

"Your not going to get his signature before me." I sneered. He glared and we opened the throne room door. Prince Zapian stood up and I smiled.

"Well, this is a surprise." He said. I bowed and he smiled. I stood back up and Loki crossed his arms.

"Show off." He mumbled. I smirked and Zapian came toward us. He had swagger and it was very intimidating. His black hair was messy and tangled. He was taller than me but not as tall as Loki.

"Now, what would the beautiful princess and the evil King need from me?" He wondered, looking me straight in the eye. Heat rose to my cheeks and I bit my lip.

"For you to choose a side." Loki coughed.

"If it's between you two because of war, I would have to say no." He turned on his heels and walked back to the throne. That snapped me out of my thoughts and now the heat in my cheeks meant something else.

"NO?" I yelled. Loki plugged his ears and Zapian turned around.

"Yes, I said no." He told me.

"Why!?" I exclaimed.

"You both caused this disruption in our world so why I would choose." He smirked.

"How would we get you to choose?" Loki wondered.

"I invite you to dinner and you will go through three trials to prove who I shall put my troops with. And if I hate both of you, then you can't include any of my kingdom in the war." He told us.

"That's not fair. She has every power under the sun." Loki yelled.

"Technically, there isn't a sun." I smirked. He glared and Zapian smiled.

"Try your best then." Zapian wiggled his eyebrows. A guard came in and I looked at Loki with a clever smile. He gaped in the unfair advantage and I was led to my guest room. There was a red satin dress laying on the bed and I touched it.

"Prince Zapian would like you to wear that to dinner." The guard told me. I nodded and he left. I examined the satin dress with the satin white belt through the loops. It was a long dress that possibly went to the floor and it was beautiful. I laid down on the bed and rested for awhile.


The door opened and my eyes did as well.

"Dinner will be ready in ten minutes." The guard told me. I sighed and he left so I could get ready. I got on the dress and tied it tightly. I walked out and followed the guard as I fixed my hair. I came to the dining room and Loki was sitting next to Zapian and they were talking. I came into the room and Zapian caught a glance of me.

"Hey." I smiled. I sat down as they stayed silent and I gulped.

"That dress is yours if you want." Zapian said.

"I really like it." I smiled.

"It looks good on you." He complimented. Loki sighed and I glanced at him.

"So what are these trials?" I wondered.

"It's all based on skill and survival. Who can I count on during war." Zapian replied. Loki groaned and I started chuckling.

"Loki, I don't even know how to use my powers. You have the advantage." I smiled.

"Still. There is something you have to get to win my trust and my signature." Zapian said. My smile faded as I looked at him and he waved us to follow. I walked beside Loki as we headed to a balcony.

"Look at the blue light." He pointed us in the right direction. I saw it and Loki waited.

"That is the light sword. The only light left. It was made by Osias himself just in case of an emergency. It can be destroyed or damaged but it is the decision what has to be done by whoever wields it. It is the most likely way to bring back the light." He said. I gulped and looked at him.

"Is there other ways to get the light back?" I questioned.

"Yes. But they are more complex." He answered. I gulped and Loki smiled.

"Well, let the game begin." He said. I glared and sat back down. It was pretty much silence most of the dinner and then Zapian said something.

"I forget to say, the sword moves every hour." He told us. Loki almost choked and I dropped my fork.

"Wow, that would have been better to tell us earlier." I snapped. Zapian smiled and gulped down a laugh.

"I'm going to bed. Night." He winked and walked off. Loki groaned and left the room. I sat there and thought. Eventually, I went to my room and changed into something more comfortable. I braided my hair and looked out the window. I sharpest my dagger and swords.

"Princess, can I come in?" Zapian said on the other side of the door.

"Yes." I replied. I looked at arrow heads and he sat beside me. I sighed and put my arrows back in the holder.

"You know, he isn't going to win." He told me. I got up and put the holder by my bag.

"He has been winning. I know I am going to lose everything. It hurts to say that but it's true. I just got here five days ago and I have already declared war just so I can get out of this world." I gulped.

"Try at least. For your people." He said, walking out of the room. I sighed and watched out the window. I saw Zapian walking out of the castle and putting up his hood. He had a basket full of food and he went door to door to help the poor.

"He is good." The guard said. I jumped and turned to him. He was holding white clothes with blue streaks down the arms.

"This came in from Tolken." He informed. I took them from his hands and opened the note.

'This is your final design. It has the material and everything. And I heard from Loki that you guys have to do a trial thing. He sent me a letter about everything since you forgot paper. So this would be perfect for the trials.'

"Thank you. Can you leave me?" I asked. He nodded and left me. I sighed and went to find Loki. I knocked on his door and he opened the door, sleepy and his hair was in a mess.

"What in the world are you doing?" He wondered.

"Why have you been contacting my commander in chief?" I wondered.

"Candy told him to contact me because you forgot paper. So I did and I haven't gave him anything bad. I just wanted to update him. Calm down." He said. I sighed and nodded.

"Anything else?" He wondered. I shook my head and turned my heels.

"Good luck tomorrow." He called. I smiled and kept walking. I plopped on the bed as soon as I got back to my room and sat there. Tomorrow is the most important day right now.

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