Chapter Seven

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Later that afternoon, I was sitting next to the fire, curled up in a ball. It was weird with Loki in the same house but I guess this will be what it will be like till tomorrow. I was invited to have supper with the mayor and I was practically forced to go by Candy. I don't know why but I have to go.

"Hey." Loki sat criss crossed by me and I didn't answer. He sighed and I glanced over to him.

"What?" I breathed.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Stop acting, Loki. If I wanted sympathy, I could of asked Candy." I mumbled. He looked down and played with his fingers. I watched him and noticed that his fingers were going in a pattern. I sat up straighter and put my knees down. He stopped and looked at me.

"Keep going. It's fascinating." I told him. He smiled and grabbed my hands. I didn't fight back. He was teaching me.

"I learned this from watching one of the Stargazers. It seems weird but he was doing constellations by doing I what I was doing. It seemed like he was communicating with the stars. So I bet you will get this easily." He said. He started talking and teaching this weird hand thing and it felt normal to me.

"Who would he communicating with in the stars?" He asked me. I ignored as voices filled my head and everything seemed to disappear before me. It seemed really odd because I wasn't in the house anymore.

There was now gates in front of me and I stood up. I touched the metal door and looked beyond them. There was Stargazers in chairs and the doors opened. I almost fell as the I walked forward. Everyone got quiet and the doors closed.

"Aaliyah. We are glad for you to join us." A ball of light told me. There were seven other smaller balls of light and I stood completely still.

"Well, are you going to answer with a simple greeting?" A voice said. I nodded and sighed.

"I am glad to be here. Thank you." I replied. The person stepped forward and smiled. She looked familiar but it seemed very unlikely I knew her.

"My dearest daughter. I am so happy to see you as a grown woman." She said. I gulped and she touched my shoulder. An electric shock went through my body and it sparked a memory of hers. It was a blur to me and she smiled.

"Loki has taught you something that I never knew he knew but he doesn't know what it does. You can communicate with us at any time you want if you need our help and advice." She told me. I nodded and smiled. She smiled and hugged me close. I hugged her too and it felt nice. I didn't feel her after that moment and it seemed like someone was shaking me.

"Aaliyah." Candy yelled and shook me. I shook my head and let my vision adjust.

"What?" I wondered, looking at her.

"Loki came to get as soon as you started glowing and being unresponsive." She told me.

"I'm fine." I told them. Loki sighed and stared at the ground.

"What happened?" Candy asked.

"He taught me how to communicate with my people." I sighed. Loki raised an eyebrow and looked at me.

"Aaliyah, it's only a myth that Stargazers can do that. Your just hungry. Come on. We have to head to mayor." Candy smiled at me like I was unstable or I was crazy. I got up and Loki stopped me before I walked out with Candy.

"What did you see?" He wondered.

"I told you, I saw my people." I replied. He nodded and walked off. I followed Candy down the pathway.

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