Chapter Two

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Jennifer, dropped the soup as soon as she saw me fully. Tolken sighed and turned to her.

"Leave us. This is important business." Tolken said. Jennifer left and Kendall left from braiding my hair to follow her mother.

"Tolken, what's is going on?" I wondered.

"It's you. The people who turned this place to darkness is after you. They have spies everywhere outside the villages, looking for you. They have been for 100 years. Do you know why?" He whispered.

"Of course I don't." I sighed.

"Your the Princess. You were sent out of here so you wouldn't have to be killed. They want to kill you." He explained. My eyes widened and my heart beat faster.

"Why do they want me?" I questioned.

"You're blood is valuable to us but to them, it's something they want the most. They want your family blood line to die. And since your the last one in the family, they want you." He answered.

"Who's they?" I wondered.

"Your people don't believe that he and his brother exists but here, they do." He told me.

"Are you going to tell me or am I supposed to just guess?" I wondered.

"Your going to have to find out someday. I can't say or something might happen." He said. I raised an eyebrow and sighed.

"This is ridiculous. This is all just a dream. I'll wake up sooner or later. I hope sooner. This can't be happening." I started to panic. Tolken chuckled and Jennifer came in with a bowl of new soup. She came toward me and I took the bowl.

"So your the Princess? The one who will save us?" Kendall asked, coming toward me. I spit out the mouthful of soup and it went out all over Tolken.

"What?" I wondered, glaring at him. Tolken nervously smiled and wiped off his face.

"Yeah, um one other thing. You are supposed to save us from the darkness. With your powers." He responded.

"Powers? Now I have heard it. This has to be my imagination." I sighed and chuckled.

"I thought you would of noticed after the time you set something on fire in your house." He told me.

"That couldn't have been me. I didn't do anything." I replied.

"Didn't you?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow and thought back to that moment.
"Why didn't you do your chores?" My mother snapped.

"Um hello! You said I could go to that concert. So I went. It's not my fault you let me go." I sneered.

"Your grounded." She said.

"Ugh! Your infuriating!" I threw me hands to the side and a towel magically caught on fire. I gasped and my mother got water, splashing it on the towel. I glared and stormed off.

"How did you know that?" I wondered, putting my hands on my hips.

"I have been watching to see if you were the Princess. I knew you were the Princess before you even said your name. I was hoping you would not say your name but I asked your name so it was my fault." He told me.

"I can't save a world from some dark person. It makes no sense. I don't have that much power." I sighed. He smiled and took my arm. He held it straight and grabbed a needle.

"What are you doing?" I grumbled.

"The cool thing about your blood is it shows how much power you have by just a drop. Kendall, get me a plate with some water on top." He instructed. The little girl ran and came back with what he asked. He closed his eyes and touched my arm till he stopped.

"Don't move." He told me. I gulped and he stabbed the needle in my arm. It hurt and stung. I bit my lip and he took it out. Jennifer started to wrap my arm and I watched Tolken. He held the needle over the plate and a drop of my blood landed in the middle of the water.

"It takes a few moments." He smiled. It was amazing how the blood spread out but it wasn't just red anymore. It was yellow, icy blue, blue, red, white, green, purple, black, and the colors go on. They swirled and I gaped.

"Those colors represent the different types of power you have. You have every kind of power you can think of and farther. Your the most powerful person in the land. And I am not surprised." He nudged me. I swallowed down some salvia that built up and looked at him.

"This is amazing." I told him.

"At night, it glows. That's why you have a highlight. It is a mark of the powerful. Your the last one in the world. In any world." He explained.

"But this is virtually impossible." I argued.

"Maybe where you came from but not here." He smirked. I groaned and fell back on pillows behind me.

"Mortal teenagers." Jennifer giggled.

"But I am not technically mortal." I sighed.

"You still act like one though." Tolken retorted. I sat up and looked outside.

"So how do you know it's night time out?" I wondered.

"Do you see stars in the sky?" Tolken questioned. I shook my head.

"Well there you go." He smiled, trying to make a joke. I raised an eyebrow and ate the rest of the soup.

"By the way, Jennifer. This is excellent soup." I told her.

"Thank you. It's all vegetables from our garden." She said.

"I have a question." I smiled.

"Yes?" Tolken asked.

"Do I have a horse?" I wondered.

"Yes. Come on. I'll show you." Tolken smiled. I followed him to this rundown stables and it kind of seemed weird to be in a centaur town.

"Tolken, why is there a rundown stable? In a centaur town?" I wondered.

"Well I was young when the darkness came and the rebellion of centaur against the enemy was put in here. Until some centaurs broke them out and drove the enemy away." He explained. We came closer and he lite a lamp. A black Clydesdale got up and I smiled.

"Her name is Scarlet. Take good care of her." He told me. I nodded and went toward the magnificent horse. I held out my hand and touched her nose.

"We found her roaming around in the forest." He told me. I nodded and smiled.

"Thanks." I turned to him. I walked by him back to his house and I laid down. He has no idea what I am planning.

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