Chapter Six

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"It all started by a guy named Osias. He had a blue highlight in his hair, just like you. No one was before him that had any hair color that wasn't normal. He was born in Svartelheim. People made fun of his hair cause it's not normal. So one night, he looked out his telescope and saw this planet. So he asked for help to get there and he came here. He named the planet after him and he noticed it was much like Earth. So he molded it into this world and he looked to the stars to see what the world bring him. And the stars were right." She told me.

"Then what?" I wondered in awe.

"Colonies of other people that hated their own planet came and some had color in their hair too. They were all different so Osias called them together to discuss their duties. Since he was the most powerful, he was the leader. So years and years went by and somehow, all the Stargazers are related but there was a scientist from Asgard to come study them. So over the years, he discovered that there was a pattern for the colors but none came out blue. He was there for every birth and he always sent back messages to Asgard. Problem was, Loki was on Asgard, waiting to kill the blue highlighted one. So the scientist was with your mother and he had a scribe to send back the information. So when he saw the little blue hair on your head, he smile just as he died. The scribe sent the letter but the letter was intercepted by the Avengers. They were excited and then, Loki got a hold of it. He went to find the Aether and found it. He came down here in disguise and started taking over. He killed all Stargazers except for you. He arrested and killed your parents. Then he went to find you but you weren't here. He was so angry." She said.

"So why was there a pattern?" I wondered.

"In the colors? Because every thousand years in immortal worlds, a blue highlight is born. In mortal years, that is about 170 years." She replied. I gaped and she nodded.

"Whoa. That's a long time." I sighed. She smiled and put the book back. I finished my sandwich and looked through my bag.

"We better set up the tent." I told her. She nodded and I brought out the cloth. I went to find sturdy branches in the ground and I heard Loki's voice. I gulped and he came closer. He stopped as he saw me and I waved.

"What are you doing here?" He wondered, come so close to me, his breath hit my forehead.

"Um, like it says, I can recruite who I decide. And I guess we are going to the same area." I smiled.

"And what are you doing now?" He raised an eyebrow.

"And it's your business why?" I smirked.

"You disgust me." He spat and his spit got on my face. I glared and wipped my face off.

"Well your just disgusting." I sighed and turned on my heels. I slowly walked off and came back to see Candy already have the tent set up. I groaned and dropped the branches.

"Sorry, you were kind of busy." She smirked and sat on the ground. I went in the tent and looked to find something to entertain me. And I didn't find anything to do so. I flopped on the ground and put a blanket under my head. Sleep overtook me and I dreamed all night.


Candy woke me up early and she was holding something in her hand. I sat up and she gave me something in a bag. I grabbed it and it felt heavy. I opened it and saw white. Slowly, I took it out and noticed it was clothing. There was a note.


We have finished your outfit but it is just a prototype just so you know what it looks like. It has all that will be in the outfit, just not the actual fabric was woven yet.


I looked up and she nodded.

"Try it on. I want to see how it looks." She popped out of the tent and I put on the clothes. The clothes consisted of all white except the chain skirt which was wicked. It was a white crop top with blue strips on the sleeve. The pants have blue zigzag pattern across the front and the white ankle length skirt had a slit to the thigh. The chain wrapped around to the slit and my gauntlets fit over my wrists. A utility belt wrapped loosely around my waist and my white high boots went to my knees. I tied on my white cloak and walked out.

"Whoa." Was the immediate word out of Candy's mouth.

"How does it look?" I wondered. She smiled and circled me for a 360 view of me.

"It's really good. You can see the star on your back and you also look intimidating." She complimented. I smiled and took off the skirt and put it in the bag.

"We better get going." I told her. She took down the tent and kicked around the cold burnt branches to the side as I put the blanket and the supplies on the horse. I glanced at Candy and she lite the lantern.

"Ready?" I asked. She nodded and I mounted my horse. She came behind me and there was a rustle in the grass. I saw Loki and his companion come on his horse.

"What do you want?" I sneered.

"I thought that we could travel to Poliris together. I mean, we are heading in the same direction." He suggested. I glanced at Candy and she nodded.

"Fine. But no silly business." I sighed. He nodded and I clicked my tongue for Scarlet to go. She trotted and he stayed beside me. Candy decided to talk to the Loki's companion and that left me alone with Loki.

"Is your family proud of what you are doing?" I wondered.

"I wouldn't know. My father is who knows where, my mother died a long time ago and Thor is somewhere. No one really cares about my accomplishments as much as a family should but I am not surprised." He replied. I sighed and looked at him.

"I'm sorry about that." I told him.

"It's fine. I should be the one to say sorry for taking away your family." He said.

"You're not that sorry." I mumbled.

"Well, I am not as sorry as I should be but I am terribly sorry. Especially since you didn't get to meet them." He smiled. I nodded and sighed. I heard something from my right and I stopped.

"What?" Loki wondered. I held up my hand and looked at him.

"They know you're here." I sighed. He widened his eyes and a bunch of dwarves came into view. I started laughing but quickly stopped when an arrow slit the tip of my ear.

"So you want to fight?" I jumped down and stared one of them in the eye. He glared and I clenched my teeth.

"Aaliyah, don't let them get to you." Candy pulled me back. They all dropped their weapons and I relaxed.

"Princess! We would love if you would stay in our village for awhile." They bowed. I looked back at Loki and he had his arms crossed.

"See what you get when your nice to people." I smirked. He glared and I turned back to the dwarves.

"We would love to." I smiled. They started off and I mounted my horse. Loki rolled his eyes and I followed the dwarves.

"What? Jealous?" I smirked.

"Maybe." He said. I rolled my eyes and kept following the dwarves. It was awhile till we got to their village. They were fast for little things and I had to click my tongue a few times for Scarlet to go faster.

The village was bustling and some men were in the fields, working for their money. I turned to Loki and he didn't look up. His blue eyes had tears in them and he wiped them so he didn't seem like he was crying. Of course that wasn't true. There was silence throughout the village as we entered and some were looking at me or Loki. It was pretty awkward and some were probably thinking why I was traveling with him.

"Princess!" The mayor greeted. I smiled and looked down at him.

"Nice to meet you." I sighed, jumping down, holding out my hand. He grabbed it and we shook hands. Loki came by me and the mayor suddenly backed up.

"Why is he here?" He asked.

"Don't worry. He is just traveling to recruit for war. Same with me and we were heading to Poliris." I reassured.

"Only once will we treat him like a guest." The mayor hissed. Loki glared and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, everyone get along. I am not going to deal with glaring and bickering today and tonight. If you do any of these things, their will be consequences." I snapped. Both the mayor and Loki stopped and I sighed.

"Where will we be staying?" I wondered. Some of the dwarves came up to us and waved us to follow. Candy came beside me and smiled. I raised an eyebrow and she rolled her eyes and kept walking. Am I missing something?

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