Chapter Five

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Loki stood up and glared at me. I smiled and held up the scroll that had a red ribbon around it. His eyes settled onto the ribbon and I untied the ribbon.

"You have a hunch what this means don't you?" I unrolled the scroll. He kept quiet and I breathed.

"The King of Darkness, Princess Aaliyah of Cantra has decided to have war with you and your people. It will take place in a month and that means she is no longer your target till noon on the 24th of September. That is a month away from now. In that time, she suggests recruiting anyone who you want and she will be doing the same. Also, she recommends you practice your skills and make plans for the war. Thank you." I read to them. He clenched his teeth and I handed it to him.

"Sign it Loki. Do you really want to make a fool out of yourself in front of your court of lords?" I smirked.

"I have a question. Are there rules?" He wondered.

"Three people are untouchable and unharmed during the battle. The commander or the planner of the war, the healer and the messanger." I sighed. He glared once more at me and held out his hand to reach for his quill. I smiled and looked at all the anxious lords. Loki signed the scroll and stamped it with his crest. He handed it back and I smiled.

"Thank you again, King of Darkness. I appreciate it." I bowed and left. My smile grew into a clever way and no guards dared to come toward me. Some of the townspeople were smiling from ear to ear as I passed and guards stopped me. I smiled and they moved aside. I mounted my horse and clicked my tongue. I rode away and decided to go to the other side of the divide. It would be a long trip so I stopped at Centaur town. I dismounted and handed the scroll to Tolken.

"I need supplies. I have to go across the divide to get help from that kingdom before he does." I told him.

"Okay. By the way, I made you somethings for you." He replied. I raised an eyebrow and he handed me two swords and a dagger. Then he handed me a bracelet.

"Wait a minute. We'll get you your supplies." Tolken sighed. He left and I looked at James and Candy.

"Candy, do you want to come?" I wondered.

"What about me?" James asked.

"You need to stay here. To plan for the war with Tolken." I told him. Candy nodded and I smiled. Tolken brought out a messanger bag and I put it over my shoulder.

"Better get going. It's a three day trip to the next kingdom's castle." He told me. I nodded and mounted my horse. Candy sat behind me and I clicked my tongue. We rode off and I glanced back at Candy.

"So we're you always an angel?" I wondered.

"No. I was actually a girl." She sighed.

"Do you mind telling me how you became an angel?" I asked.

"Sure. This is usually how it goes to become an angel but some things don't work out like this. It worked out for me. I was in the mortal world, where you lived. I died in a car crash with my dad and he didn't come to this world. Most people stay with other worlds but I was sent down here. Before that though, I was a demon because of my sins and was then put to trial. Soon after the trial, I came down here." She explained to me. I smiled and looked at her.

"What was the age when you died?" I wondered.

"Ten." She replied. I nodded and turned back. Then I thought of a television broadcast.

"Breaking news. Senator Stan has been killed in a car accident with his daughter Candice Stan."

"You were Senator Stan's daughter!" I gasped.

"Oh you knew of him?" She asked. I nodded and she smiled.

"Yeah. I was. Now I bet he doesn't even remember me. Most angels loose their memory of their family but I didn't. I still remember my life and everything." She replied.

"But you now have new memories to make. Everything is going to be different." I told her.

"I hope so." She told me.

"So what do you think the other kingdom is like." I asked.

"Torture." She sighed. I gulped and we decided to take a few minutes to have some food. We set up a camp fire and I smiled.

"You know, it's surprising how your mother hid you. As I was told, she was incredibly easy to get along with." Candy told me. I set my food down and looked down.

"Do you know how she was like? How she did things?" I wondered.

"I have only heard from legends and stories. She was pretty awesome. I bet Tolken gave it to you, the book." She looked through my bag and pulled out a book. I raised an eyebrow and she opened it.

"Your mother was like you, you know. Had the powers, had the highlight but in a different color. You know what your kind was called?" She looked up from the book and I shook my head.

"The Stargazers. They believed that everything is mapped out by the stars. Also, they have different color of highlight to tell what power they have but yours is blue because you every power. And they had a huge blue star tattooed on their back." She told me.

"Tattoo?" I wondered.

"It glows when using powers but it is barely seen under clothing. Your father never knew about your powers because it is sacred for the Stargazers to stay a legend in the castle. So your mother was a soul seeker and knew everything about everyone. She had the power to change DNA for as long as she wants. So she did that when your father was around, to both of you." She explained.

"Who was the first Stargazer?" I asked.

"This is a long story so get comfortable." She told me. I laid down on my belly and looked at her. I wonder what it could be.

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