Chapter 13

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After the week was over with the wolves, the last thing they taught me was the howl to call for help if I need it. And since I have sound powers, I can howl as loud as I can. It was a week before the battle and I was really scared.

"So we have Alfheim on our side, Asgard and Vanaheim. Midgard people are out because they can't know about this world yet. Muspelheim, Hel and Niflheim are with Loki. You have the centaurs, the angels, the wolves and the rabbits. He has the dwarves and I suspect that Nivadellar are with him to as well as Svartelheim. Your outnumbered." Tolken informed at the war meeting.

"Is Poliris with me?" I asked. He nodded and I sighed.

"We need Midgardians who are willing." I replied.

"But they will die immediately. I think we are fine since your almost a fully realized Stargazer." He said.

"We have nothing but half his army." I replied.

"If we need more, we can send Candy out during the battle." He said. I nodded and got up as Clovis came closer. I stretched and headed with him to practice. James was starting to map out our plans and I was working on DNA switching today. It was going be interesting.

I went to wonder after my training and saw something in the corner of my eye. It was in a tree hole and as I got closer, I realized it was some book. I picked it up and a necklace fell to the ground. I reached for the crystal necklace and lifted it in my fingers to my face. It was shining a bright light and I started heading back, putting the necklace on.

"Hey!" I called. Tolken looked at me and I stopped when I was beside him.

"What is this?" I wondered.

"A journal. Open it. It might say who it is from." He said. I unbuckled it and opened to the front cover.

"To my love Ophia. From Osias." I mumbled. Tolken smiled and I widened my eyes.

"This is over a thousand years old!" I gaped.

"And still in pretty good condition. You should read it. Maybe it will help your nerves for a few days." He suggested.

"What about the necklace?" I wondered.

"Ophia once captured pure starlight and kept it. You found it and it is truly beautiful." He informed.

"Thanks Tolken. I will see you tomorrow." I sighed, heading to my tent. I sat down and turned on a oil lamp. I was really curious to be able to step in my ancestors shoes for awhile. I read the first entry:

The last time to see was Osias was last night when he was going to ask me a question and I was going to tell him that I am pregnant with our twins. But he never came to find me. I didn't want believe that my love was dead. I was too scared to see that it was.

I prayed to the stars and they sent down starlight and told me to keep it in a safe place. And I kept it in a crystal. I think of him still today but I don't want to get all lovey dovey all throughout this journal. I know this will be found by someone so I want this to be an advice guide for them. But I must be going to bed for I am weak and need to be in complete silence or they will find me.

My thoughts raced as I wondered who they was. I wanted to move on to the next entry but I heard someone come closer to my tent. I slowly went out and my eyes caught a figure pass me, pricking me. I hissed and I saw them run to the forest.

I sprinted after them and turned into my wolf form to catch them quicker. My paws landed perfectly on the ground and I dodged under trees. I gained and jumped, tackling him. I pinned him down and growled. I saw who it was. My eyes widened and he gulped.

"Loki, what the heck?" I sneered. His eyes met mine and I turned into my human form. I got off him and he stood up. I grabbed what he pricked me with and stabbed him in the arm with it. He hissed and looked at me.

"I hope you die in hell." I snapped. He ran off and my eyes closed as they watered. I know I like him but he wants me dead so what's the point of liking a killer anyway? I headed back and I noticed how much I started bleeding from my arm and saw how far he actually got under my skin. I put my hand over it and Candy came out.

"Where were you?" She wondered.

"Loki broke the rules." I hissed, going to my tent. She looked at my hand and saw the blood. I sighed and she grabbed some cloth and gauze. She wrapped it and I sat down in sadness.

"What's the matter?" She wondered.

"Love is difficult." I sighed. She raised an eyebrow and sat beside me. Well, elevated beside me.

"You like someone?" She wondered.

"Yes. But not anyone on this army." I replied.

"You don't?" She gasped, realizing who I was referring to. I sighed and shrugged.

"When you love someone, you feel it. I think I realized that when we were in the trials. I don't what to do anymore. I can't just pretend I don't. I just feel it. He is jerk, let's put it that way but he is also kind of funny, dorky, loving, caring, his past was sad and he is compassionate. He is different now. Haven't you noticed it?" I wondered.

"I have. It all started after you came back from him kidnapping him." She nodded.

"Candy, I know your technically ten years of age, do you have advice?" I wondered.

"Go with your heart. All I have for you." She replied, getting up. I sighed and laid back. What a terrible thing this is that I am going to face my crush on the battlefield.

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