Chapter Three

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In the middle of the night, I woke up when everyone was asleep. I grabbed my weapons and climbed carefully out the window. Centaur guards were everywhere and I put my hood up. I waited for the right moment to head to the stables. For it being night, it was lighter out than the daytime. I got to the stables and Scarlet came toward me.

"Shhh." I told her before she made a sound and fed her an apple. I opened the door and mounted her.

"I need to find a way out." I said. I clicked my tongue and he sprinted out. I ran past some guards and broke down the gates with some interesting power. These will come in handy.

Personally, I wish I brought a lantern. It would help but my horse was doing pretty well without any light.

After awhile, I heard hooves come closer and I sighed. My horse stopped and I heard whimpering in front of my horse. I dismounted and went to the front. I crouched down and I saw a bunny figure.

"Hello." I smiled.

"Oh you not an enemy. Oh good. I am James the Rabbit. How do you do?" The rabbit talked. I screamed and fell down.

"Oh are you okay?" He jumped on my chest.

"You're a talking rabbit?" I gulped.

"Sure am. I am looking for Candy, my companion." He smiled.

"And what is she?" I wondered.

"An angel. She was sent down to help out the world. And who are you?" He asked.

"I can't say but come with me. We'll fine Candy together." I told him. I picked him up and put him on Scarlet before mounting. We headed off and James held on for dear life.

"James! James!" I heard in the distance. It was a girls voice and I clicked my tongue for Scarlet to go faster. As we got closer to the voice, I saw a girl with pigtails and a white dress. She was glowing and she had brown hair, blue eyes and she was float in off the ground. Her wings were big and feathery.

"Candy?" I asked. She stopped and looked at me.

"Yes. And who are you?" She asked.

"Aaliyah. I have your friend James." I replied. I dismounted to be immediately grabbed by the neck.

"Well well. After a hundred years, I have finally found you." A husky voice said, coming closer. James and Candy were tied up and they tied me to a tree.

"Where have you been, Princess?" The voice wondered, stepping into Candy's glow.

"Why should I tell you? Anyway, I am not the Princess." I hissed.

"You think I am that stupid. Everyone knows the Princess has a blue highlight in her hair. And well, you do. So it's obvious that you are the Princess." He smirked. His smile was vile and evil.

"What do you want?" I wondered.

"For you to die. Isn't it obvious?" He asked.

"Let my friends go and you can do what you want." I sighed. Candy looked at me and I whistled for my horse. Candy grabbed James and they mounted my horse.

"Aaliyah." James said.

"Go. I will be fine. Go to a cave. You will be safe there." I winked. They nodded and rode off. One of his guards still had a lantern to see what they were doing. One was the executor and had a big axe. I stared straight at the leader and smiled.

"Don't you know, you shouldn't play with fire." I smirked. He raised an eyebrow and I touched my hand to the rope and it burned to ashes in a second. I dodged the axe and tripped the executor. I ran up the tree and flipped backwards over their heads.

"Catch her." The voice ordered. I sprinted and didn't glance back. They were getting closer and I decided to test my powers. Thinking of which one would be good to use right now was the question. I crossed a river and got the idea. I turned to them and they faced me on the other side.

"What? You quit?" I teased. The guards got in the water and the leader watched me carefully. I moved my hands up and breathed a cool breeze and the way froze into a wall, the guards just hanging there. I smirked and ran off. It was awhile till I found the other two, just wandering around.

"Wait!" I hollered. They whipped their attention to me and I smiled.

"You got out alive." Candy smiled. I nodded and mounted my horse.

"We got to get somewhere safe. Do you guys have somewhere besides a cave?" I questioned.

"There is a tree house that the angels use in emergency situations. This is definitely one." Candy told me. I nodded and I told her to lead the way. She floated in front of us as we rode on.

"Nice of us to know that your the Princess." James grumbled.

"What? I never wanted to be here." I snapped. He gave me a blank stare and I rolled my eyes.

"The person that is supposed to save us, doesn't want to be here?" He smirked.

"Sorry to disappoint." I gave him a fake smile.

"Your kidding. You know why we need you? You saw how evil that guy is." James stopped my horse and Candy turned to us.

"Okay, no one told me me I was a Princess. No one told me I might die if I make the wrong move during my time. No one told me anything. I didn't think going into an ordinary looking forest would bring me to an immortal world." I snapped. He gulped and I sighed.

"I'm sorry. It's just not how I thought my life would go." I sighed.

"Let's just keep going." Candy suggested. I clicked my tongue and we kept going. We got to the tree horse and I tied up Scarlet to the tree. I fed her an apple before climbing up the tree to the platform. I walked in the house part and looked to see they already fell asleep. I sighed and laid down.


There was a squeak of a board and my eyes opened immediately. I sat up and was grabbed by my torso and a hand covered my mouth. I struggled but they dragged me away.

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